begin是一个雅思常考词汇,这个词的常用解释为v. (began, begun) 开始, 着手,这个词在很多英文原版小说中怎么应用呢,今天小编就带您了解一下。
-- Sons and LoversStave 1: Marley's Ghost arley was dead: to begin with.
-- It was with great aston-ishment, and with a strange, inexplicable dread, that as he looked, he saw this bell begin to swing.
-- To go on ' 'But this is my father's story, sir; and I begin to think' the curiously roughened forehead was very intent upon him 'that when I was left an orphan through my mother's surviving my father only two years, it was you who brought me to England.
-- Better to begin slow-ly.'
-- 'Hooray, father!Here's an early job to begin with!'
-- 'I begin to think I AM faint.'
-- Indeed, I begin to think we are not much alike in any particular, you and I.'
-- And he caused large sums of Andersen's Fairy Talesmoney to be given to both the weavers in order that they might begin their work directly.
-- It would happen im-mediately if I were to begin here, as I intended to do, with: 'Rome has its Corso, Naples its Toledo' 'Ah!that Ander-sen; there he is again!'
-- 'Now then the splendor will begin again,' thought the Fir.
-- 'Now a merry life will begin again,' thought the Tree.
-- I begin to unfold myself.
-- She tried several times to begin to speak, but could not.
-- But after seeing his brother, listening to his conversation with the professor, hearing afterwards the unconsciously patronizing tone in which his brother questioned him about agricultural matters (their mother's property had not been divided, and Levin took charge of both their shares), Levin felt that he could not for some reason begin to talk to him of his intention of marrying.
-- "Well, then, how if we were to begin with oysters, and so change the whole program?
-- "Now I want to begin a suit against him.
-- I begin to lose hope."
-- They were to begin firing at the first whistle of the locomotive.
-- They say, 'Oh, sure, science is all right in its way; helps a doc to treat his patients,' and then they begin to argue about whether they can make more money if they locate in a big city or a town, and is it better for a young doc to play the good-fellow and lodge game, or join the church and look earnest.
-- "Well, if he is, we better go up and begin packing his trunk.
-- They saw him frown at it, tap it on his knuckles, begin to read it, stuff it back into his pocket, and go on with a more resolute step.
-- Now that I am leaving this field where I have labored so long and happily, I want to ask every man jack of you to read, before you begin to practice medicine, not merely your Rosenau and Howell and Gray, but also, as a preparation for being that which all good citizens must be, namely, practical men, a most valuable little manual of modern psychology, 'How to Put Pep in Salesmanship,' by Grosvenor A. Bibby.
-- The minute he begins to see that other folks appreciate and reward your skill, that minute he must begin to feel your power and so to get well.
-- 'It's not Katerina Ivanovna I am afraid of now,' he mut-tered in agitation 'and that she will begin pulling my hair.