bow是一个雅思常考词汇,这个词的常用解释为v. /n. 鞠躬, 点头n. 弓(形) ; 蝴蝶结,这个词在很多英文原版小说中怎么应用呢,今天小编就带您了解一下。
-- 'Alice,' she said, 'the Huron offers us both life, nay, more than both; he offers to restore Duncan, our invaluable Dun-can, as well as you, to our friends to our father to our heart-stricken, childless father, if I will bow down this re-bellious, stubborn pride of mine, and consent ' Her voice became choked, and clasping her hands, she looked upward, as if seeking, in her agony, intelligence from a wisdom that was infinite.
-- 'Tis wicked fab-rication of the whites, and I say it to the shame of my color that would make the warrior bow down before images of his own creation.
-- Chapter 23 'But though the beast of game The privilege of chase may claim; Though space and law the stag we lend Ere hound we slip, or bow we bend; Whoever recked, where, how, or when The prowling fox was trapped or slain?
-- The greater part of the time he scraped on two or three strings, accompany-ing every movement of the bow with a motion of the head; bowing almost to the ground, and stamping with his foot whenever a fresh couple were to start.
-- The distance between these two extremities, which made the bow of the bay, was about eight miles.
-- Better to have two strings to one's bow than no string at all!"
-- "Well!I would soon make a bow and arrows, and then there could be plenty of game in the larder!"
-- The reporter could not but admire the boy, who had acquired great skill in handling the bow and spear.
-- The bow was bent, the arrow flew, taking the cord with it, and passed between the two last rounds.
-- The jolly old grandfather unto this, retorts, not only that he declines to fork out with that cheerful readiness which is always so agreeable and pleasant in a gentleman of his time of life, but that he will bow up, and call names, and make reflections whenever they meet.
-- Kit wondered to see the pony again, so near his own home too, but it never occurred to him for what purpose the pony might have come there, or where the old lady and the old gentleman had gone, until he lifted the latch of the door, and walking in, found them seated in the room in conversation with his mother, at which unexpected sight he pulled off his hat and made his best bow in some confusion.
-- 'I would, indeed, mother, and unless you want to make me feel very wretched and uncomfortable, you'll keep that bow on your bonnet, which you'd more than half a mind to pull off last week.
-- said a man with a large white bow at his button-hole, opening the door, and confronting him with a very stoical aspect.
-- In the middle of the church stood the aristocracy; a country squire with his wife and son in a sailor blouse, the commissary of the rural police, a telegraph operator, a merchant in high boots, the local syndic with a medal on his breast, and to the right of the tribune, behind the squire's wife, Matriena Pavlovna, in a lilac-colored chatoyant dress and white shawl with colored border, and beside her was Katiousha in a white dress, gathered in folds at the waist, a blue belt, and a red bow in her black hair.
-- Everything was beautiful, but more beautiful than all was Katiousha, in her white dress, blue belt and red bow in her hair, and her eyes radiant with delight.
-- She was in the same white dress, but without the bow in her hair.
-- He was about to bow to the ground, but Nekhludoff forcibly prevented him.
-- She recalled how she, in a low-cut, wine-bespattered, red silk dress, with a red bow in her dishevelled hair, weak, jaded and tipsy, after dancing attendance upon the guest, had seated herself, at two in the morning, near the thin, bony, pimpled girl-pianist and complained of her hard life.
-- Then like a red-hot bow in the sky appeared the edge of the sun.
-- The leg of mutton got up in the dish and made a little bow to Alice; and Alice returned the bow, not knowing whether to be frightened or amused.
-- All the time he was jerking out these phrases he was stumping up and down the tavern on his crutch, slapping tables with his hand, and giving such a show of excitement as would have convinced an Old Bailey judge or a Bow Street runner.
-- No one took notice of me, only the bow oar saying, "Is that you, Jim?
-- The crews raced for the beach, but the boat I was in, having some start and being at once the lighter and the better manned, shot far ahead of her consort, and the bow had struck among the shore-side trees and I had caught a branch and swung myself out and plunged into the nearest thicket while Silver and the rest were still a hundred yards behind.
-- She had swung round to the ebb her bow was now towards me the only lights on board were in the cabin, and what I saw was merely a reflection on the fog of the strong rays that flowed from the stern window.