platform是一个雅思常考词汇,这个词的常用解释为n. 月 台, 站台, 讲台, (政党的) 政纲, 党纲,这个词在很多英文原版小说中怎么应用呢,今天小编就带您了解一下。
-- A few instants later the platform was quivering, and with puffs of steam hanging low in the air from the frost, the engine rolled up, with the lever of the middle wheel rhythmically moving up and down, and the stooping figure of the engine- driver covered with frost.
-- Behind the tender, setting the platform more and more slowly swaying, came the luggage van with a dog whining in it.
-- Vronsky stepped out onto the platform and shouted: "Oblonsky!Here!"
-- The wind seemed as though lying in wait for her; with gleeful whistle it tried to snatch her up and bear her off, but she clung to the cold door post, and holding her skirt got down onto the platform and under the shelter of the carriages.
-- With enjoyment she drew deep breaths of the frozen, snowy air, and standing near the carriage looked about the platform and the lighted station.
-- Opposite them, on the other side of the street, between a coal wharf and a petroleum warehouse, a large platform had been erected in the open air, towards which the current of the crowd seemed to be directed.
-- Passepartout, about nine o'clock, went out upon the platform to take the air.
-- He rushed along the track, jumped on the rear platform of the train, and fell, exhausted, into one of the seats.
-- But when the passengers counted each other on the station platform several were found missing; among others the courageous Frenchman, whose devotion had just saved them.
-- The station platform burned his feet, and he could not stir.
-- Sunset was a surf of crimson, and by night, when he stepped from the choking railroad coach and tramped the platform at Sauk Centre, he drank the icy air and looked up to the vast and solitary winter stars.
-- He ran down, he dropped his awkward bag on the platform and, unaware of the gaping furry farmers, they were lost in a kiss.
-- The fireman waved to them from the engine, a brakeman from the platform of the red caboose.
-- While he carved and gobbled, he went on discoursing till the dining-room, with its old walnut buffet, its Hoffmann pictures of Christ, and its Remington pictures of cowpunchers, seemed to vanish, leaving him on a platform beside a pitcher of ice-water.
-- Pickerbaugh assigned to them the chief booth on the platform once sacerdotally occupied by the Reverend Mr. Sunday.
-- Theupper part of this room was fenced off from the rest; and there, onthe two sides of a raised platform of the horseshoe form, sitting oneasy old-fashioned dining- room chairs, were sundry gentlemen inred gowns and grey wigs, whom I found to be the Doctors 329aforesaid.
-- The raised platform for the musicians was especially artistic.
-- as Dr. Meade mounted the platform and spread out hisarms for quiet.
-- She saw the doctor lean down from the platform and whisper something to Rhett Butler.
-- I heard that at the Primitive Methodist anniversary this year, when they have a built-up platform for the Sunday School children, like a grandstand going al-most up to th' ceiling, I heard Miss Thompson, who has the first class of girls in the Sunday School, say there'd be over a thousand pounds in new Sunday clothes sitting on that platform!And times are what they are!But you can't stop them.
-- The first object that confronted Little Dorrit, entering first, was Blandois of Paris in a great cloak and a furtive slouched hat, standing on a throne platform in a corner, as he had stood on the Great Saint Bernard, when the warning arms seemed to be all pointing up at him.
-- 'You will now stand on the platform till recess,' said Mr. Davis, resolved to do the thing thoroughly, since he had be-gun.
-- A lean-faced, rather commonplace woman recognised Carrie on the platform and hurried forward.
-- "Well, you rest a little while I smoke," he said, rising, and then he foolishly went to the forward platform of the car and left the game as it stood.