stage是一个雅思常考词汇,这个词的常用解释为n. 舞台, 戏剧; 阶段, 时期,这个词在很多英文原版小说中怎么应用呢,今天小编就带您了解一下。
-- 'It is quite unnecessary to say to a person of your good sense, wide range of experience, and cultivated feeling,' said Mrs Merdle from her nest of crimson and gold and there put up her glass to refresh her memory as to whom she was addressing, 'that the stage sometimes has a fascination for young men of that class of character.
-- The small-ness of the company made it necessary for the two principal actors to take several parts apiece, and they certainly de-served some credit for the hard work they did in learning three or four different parts, whisking in and out of various costumes, and managing the stage besides.
-- The stage was dark and the glow of the fur-nace had a fine effect, especially as real steam issued from the kettle when the witch took off the cover.
-- A good deal of hammering went on before the curtain rose again, but when it became evident what a masterpiece of stage carpentery had been got up, no one murmured at the delay.
-- The bag is opened, and several quarts of tin money shower down upon the stage till it is quite glorified with the glitter.
-- Meg and I would make you laugh over our funny stage properties, and we'd have jolly times.
-- Though I cannot tell why it was exactly that those stage managers, the Fates, put me down for this shabby part of a whaling voyage, when others were set down for magnificent parts in high tragedies, and short and easy parts in genteel comedies, and jolly parts in farces though I cannot tell why this was exactly; yet, now that I recall all the circumstances, I think I can see a little into the springs and motives which being cunningly presented to me under various disguises, induced me to set about performing the part I did, besides cajoling me into the delusion that it was a choice resulting from my own unbiased freewill and discriminating judgment.
-- As I sat there in that now lonely room; the fire burning low, in that mild stage when, after its first intensity has warmed the air, it then only glows to be looked at; the evening shades and phantoms gathering round the casements, and peering in upon us silent, solitary twain; the storm booming without in solemn swells; I began to be sensible of strange feelings.
-- In good time, nevertheless, as the ardour of youth declines; as years and dumps increase; as reflection lends her solemn pauses; in short, as a general lassitude overtakes the sated Turk; then a love of ease and virtue supplants the love for maidens; our Ottoman enters upon the impotent, repentant, admonitory stage of life, forswears, disbands the harem, and grown to an exemplary, sulky old soul, goes about all alone among the meridians and parallels saying his prayers, and warning each young Leviathan from his amorous errors.
-- The one grand stage where he enacted all his various parts so manifold, was his vice-bench; a long rude ponderous table furnished with several vices, of different sizes, and both of iron and of wood.
-- But he looked too nigh the boat; for as if bent upon escaping with the corpse he bore, and as if the particular place of the last encounter had been but a stage in his leeward voyage, Moby Dick was now again steadily swimming forward; and had almost passed the ship, which thus far had been sailing in the contrary direction to him, though for the present her headway had been stopped.
-- OLIVER TWIST OR THE PARISH BOY'S PROGRESS BY CHARLES DICKENS CHAPTER I TREATS OF THE PLACE WHERE OLIVER TWIST WAS BORN AND OF THE CIRCUMSTANCES ATTENDING HIS BIRTH Among other public buildings in a certain town, which for many reasons it will be prudent to refrain from mentioning, and to which I will assign no fictitious name, there is one anciently common to most towns, great or small: to wit, a workhouse; and in this workhouse was born; on a day and date which I need not trouble myself to repeat, inasmuch as it can be of no possible consequence to the reader, in this stage of the business at all events; the item of mortality whose name is prefixed to the head of this chapter.
-- Rose was in the first stage of a high and dangerous fever.
-- The coach, there-fore, took them the first stage of their journey, and brought its master back to Longbourn.
-- That she was, to all appearance, in the last stage of a consumption, was yes, in such a situation it was my greatest comfort.
-- In this intermediate stage he wavers--neither drawn in harmony with nature by his instincts nor yet wisely putting himself into harmony by his own free-will.
-- How often had she looked at the well-dressed actresses on the stage and wondered how she would look, how delightful she would feel if only she were in their place.
-- She was surprised at the briefness of the entire part, not knowing that she must be on the stage while others were talking, and not only be there, but also keep herself in harmony with the dramatic movement of the scenes.
-- Walk so," and he struck out across the Avery stage in almost drooping manner.
-- "It is so easy," he said to Mrs. Morgan, in the usual affected stage voice.
-- In the South one man all by himself, has stopped a stage full of men in the daytime, and robbed the lot.
-- Chapter XXIII ELL, all day him and the king was hard at it, rigging Wup a stage and a curtain and a row of candles for foot-lights; and that night the house was jam full of men in no time.
-- When the place couldn't hold no more, the duke he quit tending door and went around the back way and come on to the stage and stood up before the curtain and made a little speech, and praised up this tragedy, and said it was the most thrillingest one that ever was; and so he went on a- bragging about the tragedy, and about Edmund Kean the Elder, which was to play the main principal part in it; and at last when he'd got everybody's expecta- tions up high enough, he rolled up the curtain, and the next minute the king come a-prancing out on all fours, naked; and he was painted all over, ring- streaked-and-striped, all sorts of col-ors, as splendid as a rainbow.
-- and rose up mad, and was a-going for that stage and them tragedians.