free是一个雅思常考词汇,这个词的常用解释为a. 自由的; 免费的; 免税的; 空闲的vt. 释放,这个词在很多英文原版小说中怎么应用呢,今天小编就带您了解一下。
-- The third item of consciousness was that of seeing the same sword, perfectly clean and free from blood held vertically in Troy's hand (in the position technically called "recover swords").
-- Rastignac's first year of study for the preliminary examinations in law had left him free to see the sights of Paris and to enjoy some of its amusements.
-- Young men at his age take no account of obstacles nor of dangers; they see success in every direction; imagination has free play, and turns their lives into a romance; they are saddened or discouraged by the collapse of one of the visionary schemes that have no existence save in their heated fancy.
-- This sensation of physical comfort left his mind free to grapple with the thoughts that assailed him.
-- FrankensteinBy Mary Wollstonecraft ShelleyDownload free eBooks of classic literature, books and novels at Planet eBook.
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-- I then thought that my father would be unjust if he as-cribed my neglect to vice or faultiness on my part, but I am now convinced that he was justified in conceiving that I should not be altogether free from blame.
-- I saw him too; he was free last night!'
-- His blind and aged father and his gentle sister lay in a noisome dungeon while he enjoyed the free air and the society of her whom he loved.
-- Gerald, his mind never free of the thought of owning a plantation of his own, arranged an introduction, and hisinterest grew as the stranger told how the northern section of the state was filling up with newcomers from theCarolinas and Virginia.
-- I'd gladly give the horses free of charge if I knew they were going to be ridden by boys I know, gentlemen usedto thoroughbreds.
-- It's a free country and a man may be a rascal if he chooses.
-- She did not see that Rhett had pried open the prison ofher widowhood and set her free to queen it over unmarried girls when her days as a belle should have been long past.
-- It would have been so much better for the Yankees to pay for thedarkies or even for us to give them the darkies free of charge than to have this happen."
-- Even when I was taken to have a new suit of clothes, the tailor had orders to make them like a kind of Reformatory, and on no account to let me have the free use of my limbs.
-- And he was so very free of the wine that he even called for the other bottle, and handed that about with the same liberality, when the first was gone.
-- I was not free from apprehension that he would come back to propound through the gate, "And sixteen?"
-- "Pip is that hearty welcome," said Joe, "to go free with his services, to honor and fortun', as no words can tell him.
-- We became particularly hot upon some boorish sneer of Drummle's, to the effect that we were too free with our money.
-- Grimms' Fairy TalesBy The Brothers GrimmDownload free eBooks of classic literature, books and novels at Planet eBook.
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-- Then he took the string in his hand, and drove off the pig by a side path; while Hans went on the way homewards free from care.
-- Then up he got with a light heart, free from all his trou-bles, and walked on till he reached his mother's house, and told her how very easy the road to good luck was.
-- She went on a little farther, till she came to a free full of apples.