dumb是一个雅思常考词汇,这个词的常用解释为a. 哑的, 暂不说话的, 愚笨的,这个词在很多英文原版小说中怎么应用呢,今天小编就带您了解一下。
-- Hall tried to convey everything by grimaces and dumb show, but Mrs. Hall was obdurate.
-- Now I am as silly and dumb as a man would be with us in the jungle.
-- 'Even so,' returned the stranger, nothing daunted by this cold reception; 'I have tarried at 'Edward' a week, and I should be dumb not to have inquired the road I was to jour-ney; and if dumb there would be an end to my calling.'
-- 'What to do with these dumb creatures!'
-- 'The death of the colt sits heavy on the heart of its owner,' said the scout; 'but it's a good sign to see a man account upon his dumb friends.
-- No percep-tible emotion could be discovered in the Mohicans during this critical moment, their rigid features expressing neither hope nor alarm; but the scout again turned his head, and, laughing in his own silent manner, he said to Heyward: 'The knaves love to hear the sounds of their pieces; but the eye is not to be found among the Mingoes that can cal-culate a true range in a dancing canoe!You see the dumb devils have taken off a man to charge, and by the smallest measurement that can be allowed, we move three feet to their two!'
-- By these means he in time reached the door, where he gave a great cough to attract the dwarf's attention and gain an opportunity of expressing in dumb show, the closest confidence and most inviolable secrecy.
-- It was enough to leave dumb things behind, and objects that were insensible both to her love and sorrow.
-- No, not even on that memorable morning, when, deserting their old home, they abandoned themselves to the mercies of a strange world, and left all the dumb and senseless things they had known and loved, behind not even then, had they so yearned for the fresh solitudes of wood, hillside, and field, as now, when the noise and dirt and vapour, of the great manufacturing town reeking with lean misery and hungry wretchedness, hemmed them in on every side, and seemed to shut out hope, and render escape impossible.
-- 'Here, woman,' he said, 'here's your deaf and dumb son.
-- How many of the girls and boys ah, men and women too that are brought before you and you don't pity, are deaf and dumb in their minds, and go wrong in that state, and are punished in that state, body and soul, while you gentlemen are quarrelling among yourselves whether they ought to learn this or that? Be a just man, Sir, and give me back my son.'
-- An eddying murmur filled my ears, and a strange, dumb confusedness descended on my mind.
-- The isle was uninhabited; my shipmates I had left behind, and nothing lived in front of me but dumb brutes and fowls.
-- Stupefaction more than fear made us dumb and motionless.
-- Of the people on board, I only saw the impassive steward, who served me with his usual dumb regularity.
-- It was all done in dumb show, the women danced their emotion in gesture and motion.
-- Ursula listened to this speech, her mind dumb and almost senseless, what he said was so unexpected and so untoward.
-- And Gerald sat mute, like a dumb beast, panting, his teeth chattering, his arms inert, his head like a seal's head.
-- She knew, as well as he knew, that words themselves do not convey meaning, that they are but a gesture we make, a dumb show like any other.
-- He managed to continue work till nine o'clock, and then marched dumb and dour to his chamber.
-- He leant his two elbows on his knees, and his chin on his hands and remained rapt in dumb meditation.