
发布时间:2021-12-28 13:00:59


generally是一个雅思常考词汇,这个词的常用解释为ad. 一般地; 通常地,这个词在很多英文原版小说中怎么应用呢,今天小编就带您了解一下。



-- "The PAMPERO generally brings a tempest which lasts three days, and may be always foretold by the depression of the mercury," he said.

-- When the Argentines travel in the Pampas they generally dig wells, and find water a few feet below the surface.

-- A south or southwest wind generally puts to flight these little pests.

-- It is a strong, nimble animal, generally inhabiting marshy places, and pursuing aquatic animals by swimming, prowling about by night and sleeping during the day.



-- All of them seemed weary, and most of them had sleepy eyes and a shivering expression, while their com- plexions generally appeared to have taken on the colour of the fog outside.

-- These men generally have about a hundred pounds a year to live on, and they spend their whole time and talents in the amassing of this style of knowledge, which they reduce or raise to the standard of a science.

-- Mrs. Epanchin had a fair appetite herself, and generally took her share of the capital mid-day lunch which was al-ways served for the girls, and which was nearly as good as a dinner.

-- Besides tea and coffee, cheese, honey, butter, pan-cakes of various kinds (the lady of the house loved these best), cutlets, and so on, there was generally strong beef soup, and other substantial delicacies.

-- All these concessions and rebuffs of fortune, of late, had wounded his spirit severely, and his temper had become extremely irrita-ble, his wrath being generally quite out of proportion to the cause.



-- I experienced a wild impulse to jest, to startle people, to clap men on the back, fling people's hats astray, and generally revel in my extraordinary advantage.



-- In answer to my question, Montgomery said that they actually bore offspring, but that these generally died.



-- But as soon as his cubs are old enough to stand on their feet he must bring them to the Pack Council, which is generally held once a month at full moon, in order that the other wolves may identify them.

-- The buffaloes generally keep to the pools andmuddy places, where they lie wallowing or basking in the warm mud for hours.

-- It was not the fashion for Sea Catch to eat anything dur-ing the four months he stayed on the beaches, and so his temper was generally bad.

-- 'Generally I have to go in among a lot of yelling, hairy men with knives long shiny knives, worse than the farrier's knives and I have to take care that Dick's boot is just touching the next man's boot without crushing it.



-- It is generally believed that the Aborigines of the Amer-ican continent have an Asiatic origin.

-- Notwithstanding a constant application of his one armed heel to the flanks of the mare, the most confirmed gait that he could establish was a Canterbury gallop with the hind legs, in which those more forward assisted for doubtful mo-ments, though generally content to maintain a loping trot.

-- When the fact was generally understood, the savages raised a frightful yell, which declared the extent of their disap-pointment.

-- For though the French commander bore a high character for courage and enter-prise, he was also thought to be expert in those political practises which do not always respect the nicer obligations of morality, and which so generally disgraced the European diplomacy of that period.

-- Those given by the English generally bear the impression of the reigning king, and those given by the Americans that of the president.



-- n the bosom of one of those spacious coves which indent Ithe eastern shore of the Hudson, at that broad expansion of the river denominated by the ancient Dutch navigators the Tappan Zee, and where they always prudently short-ened sail and implored the protection of St. Nicholas when they crossed, there lies a small market town or rural port, which by some is called Greensburgh, but which is more generally and properly known by the name of Tarry Town.

-- The schoolmaster is generally a man of some importance in the female circle of a rural neighborhood; being con-sidered a kind of idle, gentlemanlike personage, of vastly superior taste and accomplishments to the rough country swains, and, indeed, inferior in learning only to the parson.

-- In this enterprise, however, he had more real difficulties than generally fell to the lot of a knight-errant of yore, who seldom had anything but giants, enchanters, fiery dragons, and such like easily conquered adversaries, to contend with and had to make his way mere-ly through gates of iron and brass, and walls of adamant to the castle keep, where the lady of his heart was confined; all which he achieved as easily as a man would carve his way to the centre of a Christmas pie; and then the lady gave him her hand as a matter of course.

-- The sons, in short square-skirted coats, with rows of stupendous brass buttons, and their hair generally queued in the fash-ion of the times, especially if they could procure an eelskin for the purpose, it being esteemed throughout the country as a potent nourisher and strengthener of the hair.








