
发布时间:2021-12-28 13:00:58


poker是一个雅思常考词汇,这个词的常用解释为n. 扑克, 拨火铁棒, 直挺挺的, 僵硬的,这个词在很多英文原版小说中怎么应用呢,今天小编就带您了解一下。



-- This central room was at once business office, consultation-room, operating-theater, living-room, poker den, and warehouse for guns and fishing tackle.

-- He viciously seized his cap (a soggy and doubtful object), sought Clif Clawson, who was spending the vacation in sleeping between poker games at Barney's, and outlined a project of going into town and getting drunk.

-- He found one place astir; in the bleak office of the Dakota Hotel the night clerk was playing poker with the 'bus-driver and the town policeman.

-- Once or twice he lost his temper with jovial villagers who bountifully explained to him that he was less aged than he might have been; once or twice he drank too much whisky at poker parties in the back room of the Co- operative Store; but he was known as reliable, skillful, and honest--and on the whole he was rather less distinguished than Alec Ingleblad the barber, less prosperous than Nils Krag the carpenter, and less interesting to his neighbors than the Finnish garageman.

-- But with the clergy Martin was brief, and his drinking and poker he never concealed.



-- I only hope,' said my aunt,shaking her head, 'that her husband is one of those poker husbandswho abound in the newspapers, and will beat her well with one.'

-- I believe I hada delirious idea of seizing the red-hot poker out of the fire, andrunning him through with it.

-- The poker got into my dozing thoughts besides, and wouldn'tcome out.



-- He was sixty years old and his crisp curly hair was silver-white, but his shrewd face was unlined and his hardlittle blue eyes were young with the unworried youthfulness of one who has never taxed his brain with problems moreabstract than how many cards to draw in a poker game.

-- And ordering French and German books by the crate fromthe Yankees!And there they sit reading and dreaming the dear God knows what, when they'd be better spending theirtime hunting and playing poker as proper men should."

-- Ashley can ride with the best and play poker with the best that's me, Puss!And I'm not denying that when he setsout to drink he can put even the Tarletons under the table.

-- He found poker the most useful of allSouthern customs, poker and a steady head for whisky; and it was his natural aptitude for cards and amber liquor thatbrought to Gerald two of his three most prized possessions, his valet and his plantation.

-- Pork by name, shining black, dignified and trained in all the arts of sartorial elegance, was the result ofan all-night poker game with a planter from St. Simons Island, whose courage in a bluff equaled Gerald's but whosehead for New Orleans rum did not.



-- "Though mind you, Pip," said Joe, with a judicial touch or two of the poker on the top bar, "rendering unto all their doo, and maintaining equal justice betwixt man and man, my father were that good in his hart, don't you see?"

-- "Whatever family opinions, or whatever the world's opinions, on that subject may be, Pip, your sister is," Joe tapped the top bar with the poker after every word following, "a-fine-figure--of--a--woman!"

-- I broke out crying and begging pardon, and hugged Joe round the neck: who dropped the poker to hug me, and to say, "Ever the best of friends; an't us, Pip?

-- He had taken up the poker again; without which, I doubt if he could have proceeded in his demonstration.

-- "Well," said Joe, passing the poker in to his left hand, that he might feel his whisker; and I had no hope of him whenever he took to that placid occupation; "your sister's a master-mind.



-- 'Tell me that again,' cried Mr Dorrit, quite beside himself, 'and I'll take the poker to you!'



-- Come here, Amy, and do the fainting scene, for you are as stiff as a poker in that.'

-- But over-strained eyes caused pen and ink to be laid aside for a bold attempt at poker sketching.



-- said Sikes, seizing the poker in one hand, and deliberately opening with the other a large clasp-knife, which he drew from his pocket.

-- The dog no doubt heard; because Mr. Sikes spoke in the very harshest key of a very harsh voice; but, appearing to entertain some unaccountable objection to having his throat cut, he remained where he was, and growled more fiercely than before: at the same time grasping the end of the poker between his teeth, and biting at it like a wild beast.

-- The dog jumped from right to left, and fro m left to right; snapping, growling, and barking; the man thrust and swore, and struck and blasphemed; and the struggle was reaching a most critical point for one or other; when, the door suddenly opening, the dog darted out: leaving Bill Sikes with the poker and the clasp-knife in his hands.



