arm是一个雅思常考词汇,这个词的常用解释为n. 手臂, 扶手, 臂状物v. 武装; 配备n. 武器,这个词在很多英文原版小说中怎么应用呢,今天小编就带您了解一下。
-- As to measuring her waist in sport, as they did, bold young brood, I couldn't have done it; I should have expected my arm to have grown round it for a punishment, and never come straight again.
-- As the bank passenger with an arm drawn through the leathern strap, which did what lay in it to keep him from pounding against 17the next passenger, and driving him into his corner, when-ever the coach got a special jolt nodded in his place, with half-shut eyes, the little coach-windows, and the coach-lamp dimly gleaming through them, and the bulky bundle of opposite passenger, became the bank, and did a great stroke of business.
-- Dig dig dig until an impatient movement from one of the two passengers would admonish him to pull up the window, draw his arm securely through the leathern strap, and speculate upon the two slumbering forms, until his mind lost its hold of them, and they again slid away into the bank and the grave.
-- Rounding his mouth and both his eyes, as he stepped backward from the table, the waiter shifted his napkin from his right arm to his left, dropped into a comfortable atti-tude, and stood surveying the guest while he ate and drank, as from an observatory or watchtower.
-- Mr. Lorry got his arm securely round the daughter's waist, and held her; for he felt that she was sinking.
-- Rendered in a manner desperate, by her state and by the beckoning of their conductor, he drew over his neck the arm that shook upon his shoulder, lifted her a little, and hurried her into the room.
-- The little robber maiden wound her arm round Gerda's neck, held the knife in the other hand, and snored so loud that everybody could hear her; but Gerda could not close her eyes, for she did not know whether she was to live or die.
-- 'Now I shall tell you my adventures,' said the shadow; and then he sat, with the polished boots, as heavily as he could, on the arm of the learned man's new shadow, which lay like a poodle-dog at his feet.
-- After a little subdued and dejected conversation with his mother-in-law, he threw out his chest again, and put his arm in Levin's.
-- And as soon as her brother had reached her, with a gesture that struck Vronsky by its decision and its grace, she flung her left arm around his neck, drew him rapidly to her, and kissed him warmly.
-- He saw out of the window how she went up to her brother, put her arm in his, and began telling him something eagerly, obviously something that had nothing to do with him, Vronsky, and at that he felt annoyed.
-- Without even asking her if she cared to dance, he put out his arm to encircle her slender waist.
-- Korsunky bowed, set straight his open shirt front, and gave her his arm to conduct her to Anna Arkadyevna.
-- Under his arm might have been observed a red-bound copy of Bradshaw's Continental Railway Steam Transit and General Guide, with its timetables showing the arrival and departure of steamers and railways.
-- Mr. Fogg, offering his arm to Aouda, then departed, followed by the crestfallen Passepartout.
-- And, offering his arm to Aouda, he directed his steps toward the docks in search of some craft about to start.
-- She seized Mr. Fogg's arm and gently pulled him back.
-- They were held in an amphitheater whose seats curved so far around that the lecturer could not see both ends at once, and while Dr. Robertshaw, continuing to drone about blood circulation, was peering to the right to find out who was making that outrageous sound like a motor horn, far over on the left Clif Clawson would rise and imitate him, with sawing arm and stroking of imaginary whiskers.
-- His arm about her, he blared, "I know exactly who--" "No, I'm not fishing.
-- It seemed natural to tuck her hand under his arm as they left the hospital.
-- If I ever need a' arm amputated when you get to be a doc, I'll come around and let you talk it off.
-- Angus leaned his head on his arm and sobbed, careless of stares, till he had drunk himself into obliteration, and Martin steered him home.
-- Marmeladov sud-denly declaimed, standing up with his arm outstretched, as though he had been only waiting for that question.
-- Now he had only to put the head of the axe in the noose, and it would hang quietly under his arm on the inside.