assured是一个雅思常考词汇,这个词的常用解释为adj. 感到放心的,这个词在很多英文原版小说中怎么应用呢,今天小编就带您了解一下。
-- As soon as the girl was assured of this, she came from behind the cask.
-- In the mean time the emperor held frequent councils, to debate what course should be taken with me; and I was af- 29terwards assured by a particular friend, a person of great quality, who was as much in the secret as any, that the court was under many difficulties concerning me.
-- He put this engine into our ears, which made an incessant noise, like that of a water- mill: and we conjecture it is either some unknown animal, or the god that he worships; but we are more inclined to the latter opinion, because he assured us, (if we understood him right, for he expressed himself very imperfectly) that he seldom did any thing without consult-ing it.
-- I was assured that, a year or two before my arriv-al, Flimnap would infallibly have broke his neck, if one of the king's cushions, that accidentally lay on the ground, had 39not weakened the force of his fall.
-- I communicated to his majesty a project I had formed of seizing the enemy's whole fleet; which, as our scouts assured us, lay at anchor in the harbour, ready to sail with the first fair wind.
-- I applied myself to the king, and assured his majesty, 'that I came from a country which abounded with several millions of both sexes, and of my own stature; where the animals, trees, and houses, were all in proportion, and where, by consequence, I might be as able to defend myself, and to find sustenance, as any of his majesty's subjects could do here; which I took for a full answer to those gentlemen's arguments.'
-- Stephen looked at her, saw how pale she was, noted the disorder of her hair, and the red marks of fingers on her forehead, and felt assured that his senses of sight and hearing had been awake.
-- He had artfully, but plainly, assured her that he knew her heart in its last most delicate recesses; he had come so near to her through its tenderest sentiment; he had associated himself with that feeling; and the barrier behind which she lived, had melted away.
-- 'I am well assured of what you say, father.
-- This assured us water for eight days.
-- But his very quiet, hesitating voice, and his eyes, at the same time bold and frightened, assured and uncertain, revealed his nature.
-- This man was so assured in himself he didn't know what a clown other people found him, a half-bred fellow.
-- And Connie had a woman's blind craving for happiness, to be assured of happiness.
-- He assured her that she was just what he had expected and that time had not stood still with himself.
-- It was at first difficult to lead him to speak about himself, and he put off Arthur's advances in that direction by admitting slightly, oh yes, he had done this, and he had done that, and such a thing was of his making, and such another thing was his discovery, but it was his trade, you see, his trade; until, as he gradually became assured that his companion had a real interest in his account of himself, he frankly yielded to it.
-- Clennam assured him that it had made no impression on his mind, and therefore required no erasure.
-- In answer to this direct appeal, Mrs Merdle assured Mrs Gowan (speaking as a Priestess of Society) that she was highly to be commended, that she was much to be sympathised with, that she had taken the highest of parts, and had come out of the furnace refined.
-- In that document he assured them, in a Royal manner, that he received the profession of their attachment with a full conviction of its sincerity; and again generally exhorted them to follow his example which, at least in so far as coming into a great property was concerned, there is no doubt they would have gladly imitated.
-- But these were mere trifles, and they assured their mother that the experiment was working finely.
-- Not only did he guess it by the fact that the second finger of her right hand was no lon-ger inky, but she spent her evenings downstairs now, was met no more among newspaper offices, and studied with a dogged patience, which assured him that she was bent on occupying her mind with something useful, if not pleas-ant.
-- Laurie seemed to forget Jo for a minute, and Jo was glad of it, for the fact that he told her these things so freely and so naturally assured her that he had quite forgiven and forgot-ten.
-- To this, in substance, he replied, that though what I hinted was true enough, yet he had a particular affection for his own harpoon, because it was of assured stuff, well tried in many a mortal combat, and deeply intimate with the hearts of whales.
-- The landlord of the Spouter-Inn had recommended us to his cousin Hosea Hussey of the Try Pots, whom he asserted to be the proprietor of one of the best kept hotels in all Nantucket, and moreover he had assured us that Cousin Hosea, as he called him, was famous for his chowders.
-- Towards evening, when I felt assured that all his performances and rituals must be over, I went up to his room and knocked at the door; but no answer.