vengeance是一个雅思常考词汇,这个词的常用解释为n. 报仇,这个词在很多英文原版小说中怎么应用呢,今天小编就带您了解一下。
-- But, though the sailors' vengeance was satisfied, their curiosity was not; they knew the brute had no very delicate appetite, and the contents of his stomach might be worth investigation.
-- Besides, if I deceive you, vengeance is in your own power."
-- Then she read me a lot of verses, where it said that the Emperor spent all the time vowing vengeance against the Pope.
-- The other Achaeans sat where they were all silent and orderly to hear the king, and Agamemnon looked into the vault of heaven and prayed saying, 'I call Jove the first and mighti-est of all gods to witness, I call also Earth and Sun and the Erinyes who dwell below and take vengeance on him who shall swear falsely, that I have laid no hand upon the girl Briseis, neither to take her to my bed nor otherwise, but that she has remained in my tents inviolate.
-- Unable to discover any new victim, these diligent workers of vengeance soon ap- proached their male prisoners, pronouncing the name 'La Longue Carabine,' with a fierceness that could not be easily mistaken.
-- While the others were busily occupied in seeking to gratify their childish passion for fin-ery, by plundering even the miserable effects of the scout, or had been searching with such bloodthirsty vengeance in their looks for their absent owner, Le Renard had stood at a little distance from the prisoners, with a demeanor so quiet and satisfied, as to betray that he had already effect-ed the grand purpose of his treachery.
-- And by the time he reached the part where he so artfully blended the thirst of vengeance with the desire of gain, he had, at least, obtained a command of the deep-est attention of the savage.
-- The vengeance of the Hurons had now taken a new di-rection, and they prepared to execute it with that barbarous ingenuity with which they were familiarized by the prac-tise of centuries.
-- But the vengeance of Magua sought a deeper and more malignant enjoyment.
-- Soon after, with a drink all round, we lay down to sleep, and the outside of Silver's vengeance was to put George Merry up for sentinel and threaten him with death if he should prove unfaithful.
-- We pursued it without relaxation for an hour, and I began to think it would prove difficult to capture, when the animal, possessed with the perverse idea of vengeance of which he had cause to repent, turned upon the pinnace and assailed us in its turn.
-- One could feel that the same desire of vengeance animated every soul.
-- 'Even if my own wrong had prevailed with me, and my own vengeance had moved me, could I have found no justification?
-- There is no vengeance and no infliction of suffering in His life, I am sure.
-- How many barrels will thy vengeance yield thee even if thou gettest it, Captain Ahab?
-- If money's to be the measurer, man, and the accountants have computed their great counting-house the globe, by girdling it with guineas, one to every three parts of an inch; then, let me tell thee, that my vengeance will fetch a great premium here!"
-- In truth, well nigh the whole of this passage being attended by very prosperous breezes, the Town-Ho had all but certainly arrived in perfect safety at her port without the occurrence of the least fatality, had it not been for the brutal overbearing of Radney, the mate, a Vineyarder, and the bitterly provoked vengeance of Steelkilt, a Lakeman and desperado from Buffalo.
-- The first boat we read of, floated on an ocean, that with Portuguese vengeance had whelmed a whole world without leaving so much as a widow.
-- who, as to me, were innocent, and whose barbarous customs were their own disaster, being in them a token, indeed, of God's having left them, with the other nations of that part of the world, to such stupidity, and to such inhuman courses, but did not call me to take upon me to be a judge of their actions, much less an executioner of His justice - that whenever He thought fit He would take the cause into His own hands, and by national vengeance punish them as a people for na-tional crimes, but that, in the meantime, it was none of my business - that it was true Friday might justify it, because he was a declared enemy and in a state of war with those very particular people, and it was lawful for him to attack them - but I could not say the same with regard to myself.