baby是一个雅思常考词汇,这个词的常用解释为n. 婴儿; 年龄最小的人; 小动物a. 婴儿似的,这个词在很多英文原版小说中怎么应用呢,今天小编就带您了解一下。
-- 'Well, I went homewards, and near the hotel I came across a poor woman, carrying a child a baby of some six weeks old.
-- The baby was smiling up at her, for the first time in its life, just at that mo-ment; and while I watched the woman she suddenly crossed herself, oh, so devoutly!
-- Exactly as is a mother's joy when her baby smiles for the first time into her eyes, so is God's joy when one of His children turns and prays to Him for the first time, with all his heart!'
-- At that moment Vera, carrying the baby in her arms as usual, came out of the house, on to the terrace.
-- 'On the table, as in the other room, burned a tallow can-dle-end in an iron candlestick; and on the bed there whined a baby of scarcely three weeks old.
-- At first, such a baby could do little more than sit with him, deserting her livelier place by the high fender, and quietly watching him.
-- Mrs. March gave the mother tea and gruel, and comforted her with promises of help, while she dressed the little baby as tenderly as if it had been her own.
-- Let's hear the sound of the baby pianny,' said Hannah, who always took a share in the family joys and sorrows.
-- You can't go, Amy, so don't be a baby and whine about it.'
-- 'I have been every day, but the baby is sick, and I don't know what to do for it.
-- 'It wasn't dreadful, Jo, only so sad!I saw in a minute it was sicker, but Lottchen said her mother had gone for a doc-tor, so I took Baby and let Lotty rest.
-- Remembering the embalmed head, at first I almost thought that this black manikin was a real baby preserved in some similar manner.
-- But though, to landsmen in general, the native inhabitants of the seas have ever been regarded with emotions unspeakably unsocial and repelling; though we know the sea to be an everlasting terra incognita, so that Columbus sailed over numberless unknown worlds to discover his one superficial western one; though, by vast odds, the most terrific of all mortal disasters have immemorially and indiscriminately befallen tens and hundreds of thousands of those who have gone upon the waters; though but a moment's consideration will teach, that however baby man may brag of his science and skill, and however much, in a flattering future, that science and skill may augment; yet for ever and for ever, to the crack of doom, the sea will insult and murder him, and pulverize the stateliest, stiffest frigate he can make; nevertheless, by the continual repetition of these very impressions, man has lost that sense of the full awfulness of the sea which aboriginally belongs to it.
-- For like certain other omnivorous roving lovers that might be named, my Lord Whale has no taste for the nursery, however much for the bower; and so, being a great traveller, he leaves his anonymous babies all over the world; every baby an exotic.
-- 'The mother,' said the woman, making a more violent effort than before; 'the mother, when the pains of death first came upon her, whispered in my ear that if her baby was born alive, and thrived, the day might come when it would not feel so much disgraced to hear its poor young mother named.
-- Mr. Palmer maintained the common, but unfatherly opinion among his sex, of all infants being alike; and though she could plainly perceive, at different times, the most striking resemblance between this baby and every one of his relations on both sides, there was no convincing his father of it; no persuading him to believe that it was not exactly like every other baby of the same age; nor could he even be brought to acknowledge the simple proposition of its being the finest child in the world.
-- Mrs. Hanson, after the first greetings were over, gave Carrie the baby and proceeded to get supper.
-- She sat with Minnie, in the kitchen, holding the baby until it began to cry.
-- Together they finished the labour of the day, Carrie washing the dishes while Minnie undressed the baby and put it to bed.
-- By the time she was dressed he was gone, and she, Minnie, and the baby ate together, the latter being just old enough to sit in a high chair and disturb the dishes with a spoon.
-- He went over to the baby where it was playing on the floor and began to poke his finger at it.
-- And there was a bottle that had had milk in it, and it had a rag stopper for a baby to suck.
-- But the rest was on hand, and so they all come and shook hands with the king and thanked him and talked to him; and then they shook hands with the duke and didn't say nothing, but just kept a-smiling and bobbing their heads like a passel of sapheads whilst he made all sorts of signs with his hands and said 'Goo-goo goo-goo- goo' all the time, like a baby that can't talk.
-- It's WELL for you to set there and blubber like a baby it's fitten for you, after the way you've acted.