authority是一个雅思常考词汇,这个词的常用解释为n. 权力; 威信; 当局; 权威,这个词在很多英文原版小说中怎么应用呢,今天小编就带您了解一下。
-- Shere Khan was always crossing his path in the jungle, for as Akela grew older and feebler the lame tiger had come to be great friends with the younger wolves of the Pack, who followed him for scraps, a thing Akela would never have al-lowed if he had dared to push his authority to the proper bounds.
-- We relieve our conscience by the confession, at all events leav-ing it to exercise its authority as it may see fit.
-- Addressing himself to his former guide, who had now assumed the authority and manner of one who was to direct the future movements of the party, he said, in tones as friendly and confiding as he could assume: 'I would speak to Magua, what is fit only for so great a chief to hear.'
-- The deeper tones of one who spoke as having authority were next heard, amid a silence that denoted the respect with which his orders, or rather advice, was received.
-- 'But our presence the authority of Colonel Munro would prove sufficient protection against the anger of our allies, especially in a case where the wretch so well merited his fate.
-- The follies and disloyalty committed in his youth were to be expiated by a long and painful penance, ere he could be restored to the full enjoyment of the confidence of his ancient people; and without confidence there could be no authority in an In-dian tribe.
-- CHAPTER 65It was well for the small servant that she was of a sharp, quick nature, or the consequence of sending her out alone, from the very neighbourhood in which it was most dangerous for her to appear, would probably have been the restoration of Miss Sally Brass to the supreme authority over her person.
-- With deference to the better opinion of Mr Brass, and more particularly to the authority of his Great Ancestor, it may be doubted, with humility, whether the elevating principle laid down by the latter gentleman, and acted upon by his descendant, is always a prudent one, or attended in practice with the desired results.
-- It was agreeable to feel the power of authority over so vast an estate, and it was disagreeable, because in his youth he was an enthusiastic adherent of Herbert Spencer, and being himself a large land owner, was struck by the proposition in Social Statics that private ownership of land is contrary to the dictates of justice.
-- Nekhludoff showed the pass, but the warden told him that he could not be admitted without authority from the inspector.
-- He knew that position and authority were the right thing in the world, and it was useless to cant about it.
-- Mademoiselle was of no count whatever, the child merely put up with her, calmly and easily, accepting her little authority with faint scorn, compliant out of childish arrogance of indifference.
-- A nothing vexed him; and suspected slights of his authority nearly threw him into fits.