front是一个雅思常考词汇,这个词的常用解释为a. 前面的, 前部的n. 正面; 前线, 战线v. 面对,这个词在很多英文原版小说中怎么应用呢,今天小编就带您了解一下。
-- For a second or two, Oliver glanced up the street, and down the street, and over the way: impressed with the belief that the unknown, who had addressed him through the key -hole, had walked a few paces off, to warm himself; for nobody did he see but a big charity -boy, sitting on a post in front of the house, eating a slice of bread and butter: which he cut into wedges, the size of his mouth, with a clasp-knife, and then consumed with great dexterity.
-- His way lay directly in front of the cottage.
-- The office was a front parlour, with a panelled wall.
-- But of all the views which his garden, or which the country or kingdom could boast, none were to be com-pared with the prospect of Rosings, afforded by an opening in the trees that bordered the park nearly opposite the front of his house.
-- Every park has its beauty and its prospects; and Elizabeth saw much to be pleased with, though she could not be in such raptures as Mr. Collins ex-pected the scene to inspire, and was but slightly affected by his enumeration of the windows in front of the house, and his relation of what the glazing altogether had originally cost Sir Lewis de Bourgh.
-- And with these words he hastily left the room, and Eliza-beth heard him the next moment open the front door and quit the house.
-- In search of a place proper for this, I found a little plain on the side of a rising hill, whose front towards this little plain was steep as a house-side, so that nothing could come down upon me from the top.
-- The prospect in front was more extensive; it commanded the whole of the valley, and reached into the country beyond.
-- The closing of the little gate, at the entrance of the green court in front of the house, drew her eyes to the window, and she saw a large party walking up to the door.
-- He immediately went into the passage, opened the front door, and ushered her in himself.
-- It was on the third floor, the front windows looking down into the street, where, at night, the lights of grocery stores were shining and children were playing.
-- She gazed into the lighted street when Minnie brought her into the front room, and wondered at the sounds, the movement, the murmur of the vast city which stretched for miles and miles in every direction.
-- If Hanson sat every evening in the front room and read his paper, if he went to bed at nine, and Minnie a little later, what would they expect of her?
-- She scaled and addressed the letter, and going in the front room, the alcove of which contained her bed, drew the one small rocking-chair up to the open window, and sat looking out upon the night and streets in silent wonder.
-- The subject was put off for a little while until Hanson, through with his meal, took his paper and went into the front room.
-- I went down to the front garden and clumb over the stile where you go through the high board fence.
-- But it warn't good judgment, because that was the boot that had a couple of his toes leaking out of the front end of it; so now he raised a howl that fairly made a body's hair raise, and down he went in the dirt, and rolled there, and held his toes; and the cussing he done then laid over anything he had ever done previous.
-- Pretty soon we struck the forward end of the skylight, and clumb on to it; and the next step fetched us in front of the captain's door, which was open, and by Jimminy, away down through the texas-hall we see a light!and all in the same second we seem to hear low voices in yonder!
-- I heard the whoop again; it was behind me yet, but in a different place; it kept coming, and kept changing its place, and I kept answering, till by and by it was in front of me again, and I knowed the cur-rent had swung the canoe's head down-stream, and I was all right if that was Jim and not some other raftsman holler-ing.
-- Put it on the floor behind the front door.
-- Suddenly, he found himself in a large square, full of people standing in front of a little wooden building painted in brilliant colors.
-- At such a loving invitation, Pinocchio, with one leap from the back of the orchestra, found himself in the front rows.
-- With his teeth, he bit off the paw of his front foot and threw it at that poor beast, so that he might have something to eat."
-- When he reached the yard in front of the house, he flung him to the ground, put a foot on his neck, and said to him roughly: "It is late now and it's time for bed.