
发布时间:2021-12-28 13:00:57


miss是一个雅思常考词汇,这个词的常用解释为n. 小姐v. 思念, 未击中, 错过, 漏掉, 逃脱,这个词在很多英文原版小说中怎么应用呢,今天小编就带您了解一下。



-- He could hardly talk Russian, but had fallen in love with one of the Miss Epanchins, and his suit met with so much en-couragement that he had been received in the house as the recognized bridegroom-to-be of the young lady.



-- There he lay sick and sorry, and full soon did the Argives come to miss him.

-- If they miss the sound of your voice when they expect it they may be frightened, and refuse to take us out of the fight.

-- I am in haste to help the Trojans, who miss me greatly when I am not among them; but urge your husband, and of his own self also let him make haste to overtake me before I am out of the city.

-- 'Wait,' answered King Agamemnon, 'for there are so many paths about the camp that we might miss one another.

-- With these words he took the spoils and set them upon a tamarisk tree, and they marked the place by pulling up reeds and gathering boughs of tamarisk that they might not miss it as they came back through the' flying hours of dark-ness.



-- Miss Statchell sang it at the schoolroom concert (in aid of the church lamps), and thereafter whenever one or two of the villagers were gathered together and the stranger appeared, a bar or so of this tune, more or less sharp or flat, was whistled in the midst of them.



-- 'Does he ever miss his aim, when seriously bent to kill?'

-- 'You are not well, dearest Miss Munro!'

-- 'Ay Cora!we are talking of your pretensions to Miss Munro, are we not, sir?'

-- But, dearest Miss Munro, it is time to think less of others, and to make some provision for yourself.

-- 'But still there are no signs of Alice, of the younger Miss Munro,' said Duncan.



-- Miss Waterford was giving a tea-party, and her small room was more than usually full.

-- Miss Waterford was a good hostess, and seeing my embarrassment came up to me.

-- Miss Waterford was there and Mrs. Jay, Richard Twining and George Road.

-- Miss Waterford, torn between the aestheticism of her early youth, when she used to go to parties in sage green, holding a daffodil, and the flippancy of her maturer years, which tended to high heels and Paris frocks, wore a new hat.

-- When we left I walked away with Miss Waterford, and the fine day and her new hat persuaded us to saunter through the Park.



-- Gideon Spilett, Pencroft, and Herbert did not miss this opportunity of going to visit their traps.



-- 'Why, bless thee, child,' said the old man, patting her on the head, 'how couldst thou miss thy way?

-- 'Good night, Miss Nell,' returned the boy.

-- said the spokeswoman, 'I wish you'd give her a little of your advice, Mrs Jiniwin' Mrs Quilp had been a Miss Jiniwin it should be observed 'nobody knows better than you, ma'am, what us women owe to ourselves.'

-- 'Then why did he say,' bawled Kit, 'that Miss Nelly was ugly, and that she and my master was obliged to do whatever his master liked?

-- 'Why, sir,' returned Dick, 'between Miss Sophia Wackles and the humble individual who has now the honor to address you, warm and tender sentiments have been engendered, sentiments of the most honourable and inspiring kind.



-- From the moment the justiciary began to speak, Maslova kept her eyes on him, as if she feared to miss a word, so that Nekhludoff was not afraid to meet her gaze, and constantly looked at her.








