hat是一个雅思常考词汇,这个词的常用解释为n. 帽子(一般指有边的帽子),这个词在很多英文原版小说中怎么应用呢,今天小编就带您了解一下。
-- He took up his hat and went out, this time without dread of meeting anyone; he had forgot-ten his dread.
-- He rushed to the door, listened, caught up his hat and began to descend his thirteen steps cautiously, noiselessly, like a cat.
-- With amazement he gazed at himself and everything in the room around him, wondering how he could have come in the night before without fastening the door, and have flung himself on the sofa without undressing, without even tak-ing his hat off.
-- They left me, during this time, with avery nice man, with a very large head of red hair and a very smallshiny hat upon it, who had got a cross-barred shirt or waistcoat on,with 'Skylark' in capital letters across the chest.
-- I would have given any money to have been allowed towrap myself up overnight, and sleep in my hat and boots.
-- Theyreceived me and Peggotty in an affectionate manner, and shookhands with Mr. Barkis, who, with his hat on the very back of hishead and a shamefaced leer upon his countenance, and pervading 135his very legs, presented but a vacant appearance, I thought.
-- My hat (which had served me for a night-cap, too) was socrushed and bent, that no old battered handleless saucepan on adunghill need have been ashamed to vie with it.
-- It waslong before Mr. Dick ever spoke to him otherwise thanbareheaded; and even when he and the Doctor had struck up quitea friendship, and would walk together by the hour, on that side ofthe courtyard which was known among us as The Doctor's Walk,Mr. Dick would pull off his hat at intervals to show his respect forwisdom and knowledge.
-- "Well, my hat is gone, however," continued the younger.
-- Gabriel instantly thought of the hat she had mentioned as having lost in the wind; possibly she had come to look for it.
-- He hastily scanned the ditch and after walking about ten yards along it found the hat among the leaves.
-- Oak was amused, perhaps a little astonished, and hanging up the hat in his hut, went again among his ewes.
-- Gabriel took the lost hat in his hand, and waited beside the path she would follow in leaving the hill.
-- After much serious consideration the two widows went shopping together--they purchased a hat adorned with ostrich feathers and a cap at the Palais Royal, and the Countess took her friend to the Magasin de la Petite Jeannette, where they chose a dress and a scarf.
-- Thus equipped for the campaign, the widow looked exactly like the prize animal hung out for a sign above an a la mode beef shop; but she herself was so much pleased with the improvement, as she considered it, in her appearance, that she felt that she lay under some obligation to the Countess; and, though by no means open-handed, she begged that lady to accept a hat that cost twenty francs.
-- By good luck, he managed to keep his hat on his head, and saved it from immersion in the water; but just as he turned, a door opened at the further end of the dark passage, dimly lighted by a small lamp.
-- He had left his hat outside, and did not greet the Countess; he looked meditatively at Rastignac, and held out his hand to Maxime with a cordial "Good morning," that astonished Eugene not a little.
-- And now I am going to spoil my hat and coat into the bargain.
-- Even now, she could recall each detail of his dress, how brightlyhis boots shone, the head of a Medusa in cameo on his cravat phi, the wide Panama hat that was instantly in his handwhen he saw her.
-- "You keep yo' shawl on yo' shoulders w'en you is in de sun, an' doan you go takin' off yo' hat w'en you iswahm," she commanded.
-- Jonas Wilkerson, hat in hand,stood beside her, his sallow tight-skinned face hardly concealing the fury of hate that possessed him at being sounceremoniously turned out of the best overseer's job in the County.
-- He stood up in his stirrups and took off his hat with a sweep, as the Tarleton carriage, overflowing with girls inbright dresses and parasols and fluttering veils, came into view, with Mrs. Tarleton on the box as Gerald had said.
-- Today, dressed in dull black silk over unfashionably narrow hoops, she still looked as though in her habit, for thedress was as severely tailored as her riding costume and the small black hat with Ha long black plume perched overone warm, twinkling, brown eye was a replica of the battered old hat she used for hunting.
-- And yet this man was dressed in coarse gray, too, and had a great iron on his leg, and was lame, and hoarse, and cold, and was everything that the other man was; except that he had not the same face, and had a flat broad-brimmed low-crowned felt hat on.