west是一个雅思常考词汇,这个词的常用解释为n. /a. 西, 西方(的) , 西部(的) ad. 向西,这个词在很多英文原版小说中怎么应用呢,今天小编就带您了解一下。
-- However, Pencroft, accustomed with his sailor eyes to piece through the gloom, was almost certain that he could clearly distinguish in the west confused masses which indicated an elevated coast.
-- Soon the isle appeared as if it had descended from a cloud, then the sea showed itself around them, spreading far away towards the east, but bounded on the west by an abrupt and precipitous coast.
-- Their geometrical plan represented the typographical sign "&," which signifies "et cetera" abridged, but by isolating the upper mouth of the sign, through which the south and west winds blew so strongly, they could succeed in making the lower part of use.
-- "While you were carrying me yesterday, did I not see in the west a mountain which commands the country?"
-- Did the sea surround this unknown land, or was it connected in the west with some continent of the Pacific?
-- 'Yes, sir,' returned Short, 'pretty nigh all over the West of England.'
-- 'I have talked to men of your craft from North, East, and South,' returned their host, in rather a hasty manner; 'but I never lighted on any from the West before.'
-- We takes the East of London in the spring and winter, and the West of England in the summer time.
-- The sun had already gone below the horizon and the west was flaming gold, touched with some horizontal bars of purple and crimson.
-- Under that, the miscellany began a quadrant, a tin canikin, several sticks of tobacco, two brace of very handsome pistols, a piece of bar silver, an old Spanish watch and some other trinkets of little value and mostly of foreign make, a pair of compasses mounted with brass, and five or six curious West Indian shells.
-- There's a strong current runs along the south, and then away nor'ard up the west coast.
-- From the east and west only a single shot had been fired.
-- I remembered what Silver had said about the current that sets northward along the whole west coast of Treasure Island, and seeing from my position that I was already under its influence, I preferred to leave Haulbowline Head behind me and reserve my strength for an attempt to land upon the kindlier-looking Cape of the Woods.
-- It was conspicuous far to sea both on the east and west and might have been entered as a sailing mark upon the chart.
-- Similar facts were observed on the 23rd of July in the same year, in the Pacific Ocean, by the Columbus, of the West India and Pacific Steam Navigation Company.
-- The Pacific Ocean extends from north to south between the two Polar Circles, and from east to west between Asia and America, over an extent of 145 degrees of longitude.
-- But the French Government, fearing that Dumont d'Urville was not acquainted with Dillon's movements, had sent the sloop Bayonnaise, commanded by Legoarant de Tromelin, to Vanikoro, which had been stationed on the west coast of America.
-- She was situated thus: Two miles, on the starboard side, appeared Gilboa, stretching from north to west like an immense arm.
-- Nothing on the horizon, till about four o'clock a steamer running west on our counter.
-- A heavy, copper-coloured beam of light came in at the west window, gilding the outlines of the children's heads with red gold, and falling on the wall opposite in a rich, ruddy illumination.
-- But there were several negro statues, wood-carvings from West Africa, strange and disturbing, the carved negroes looked almost like the f脜聯tus of a human being.
-- There came back to him one, a statuette about two feet high, a tall, slim, elegant figure from West Africa, in dark wood, glossy and suave.
-- How far, in their inverted culture, had these West Africans gone beyond phallic knowledge?
-- Whereas the West Africans, controlled by the burning death-abstraction of the Sahara, had been fulfilled in sun-destruction, the putrescent mystery of sun-rays.