flesh是一个雅思常考词汇,这个词的常用解释为n. 肉, 肉体, 果肉,这个词在很多英文原版小说中怎么应用呢,今天小编就带您了解一下。
-- Thus she went on and on, and journeyed till she came to the world's end; then she came to the sun, but the sun looked much too hot and fiery; so she ran away quickly to the moon, but the moon was cold and chilly, and said, 'I smell flesh and blood this way!'
-- Or when stories were told by the fire at night which made the flesh creep, the listeners sometimes said: 'Oh, it makes us shudder!'
-- I observed there was the flesh of several an-imals, but could not distinguish them by the taste.
-- And your friend the secretary, humbly desiring to be heard again, in answer to what the treasurer had objected, concerning the great charge his majesty was at in maintaining you, said, that his excellency, who had the sole disposal of the em-peror's revenue, might easily provide against that evil, by gradually lessening your establishment; by which, for want of sufficient for you would grow weak and faint, and lose your appetite, and consequently, decay, and consume in a few months; neither would the stench of your carcass be then so dangerous, when it should become more than half diminished; and immediately upon your death five or six thousand of his majesty's subjects might, in two or three days, cut your flesh from your bones, take it away by cart-loads, and bury it in distant parts, to prevent infection, leaving the skeleton as a monument of admiration to pos-terity.
-- This was immediately granted, and we all three entered the gate of the palace between two rows of guards, armed and dressed after a very antic manner, and with something in their countenances that made my flesh creep with a horror I cannot express.
-- As every person called up made exactly the same ap-pearance he had done in the world, it gave me melancholy reflections to observe how much the race of human kind was degenerated among us within these hundred years past; how the pox, under all its consequences and denominations had altered every lineament of an English countenance; shortened the size of bodies, unbraced the nerves, relaxed the sinews and muscles, introduced a sallow complexion, and rendered the flesh loose and rancid.
-- Here we entered, and I saw three of those detest-able creatures, which I first met after my landing, feeding upon roots, and the flesh of some animals, which I after-wards found to be that of asses and dogs, and now and then a cow, dead by accident or disease.
-- My flesh crawled as it became probable that he would discover the secret.
-- I lay like a log, an inert mass of human flesh on the arid lava soil.
-- It struck its breast as it came on smelling and sniffing, reminding me of the stories we read in our early childhood of giants who ate the Flesh of men and little boys!
-- I beg to assert, Henry, that as long as a man's heart beats, as long as a man's flesh quivers, I do not allow that a being gifted with thought and will can allow himself to despair."
-- In the flesh it was You leave me alone! on either side.
-- Till she came to the clearing, at the end of the wood, and saw the green-stained stone cottage, looking almost rosy, like the flesh underneath a mushroom, its stone warmed in a burst of sun.
-- He too had bared the front part of his body and she felt his naked flesh against her as he came into her.
-- The sense of his flesh touching her, his very stickiness upon her, was dear to her, and in a sense holy.
-- She gave a shriek and straightened herself and the heap of her soft, chill flesh came up against his body.
-- The statue bride, hardly pausing for breath, went on, with the greatest complacency, in a rambling manner sometimes incidental to flesh and blood.
-- He never loved me, as I once half-hoped he might so frail we are, and so do the corrupt affections of the flesh war with our trusts and tasks; but he always respected me and ordered himself dutifully to me.
-- It was no paler and but littler thinner than in the autumn, yet there was a strange, transparent look about it, as if the mor-tal was being slowly refined away, and the immortal shining through the frail flesh with an indescribably pathetic beau-ty.
-- He was a long, earnest man, and though born on an icy coast, seemed well adapted to endure hot latitudes, his flesh being hard as twice-baked biscuit.
-- Nor was Stubb the only banqueter on whale's flesh that night.
-- But though boats have been taken down and lost in this way, yet it is this "holding on," as it is called; this hooking up by the sharp barbs of his live flesh from the back; this it is that often torments the Leviathan into soon rising again to meet the sharp lance of his foes.
-- But as the stumps of harpoons are frequently found in the dead bodies of captured whales, with the flesh perfectly healed around them, and no prominence of any kind to denote their place; therefore, there must needs have been some other unknown reason in the present case fully to account for the ulceration alluded to.
-- But still more curious was the fact of a lance-head of stone being found in him, not far from the buried iron, the flesh perfectly firm about it.