expect是一个雅思常考词汇,这个词的常用解释为v. 预期; 期望, 指望,这个词在很多英文原版小说中怎么应用呢,今天小编就带您了解一下。
-- Does she expect a miracle?
-- 'Quite as comfortable as we can expect a young motherto be, under these melancholy domestic circumstances.
-- 24'My opinion is,' said Peggotty, taking her eyes from me, after alittle indecision, and going on with her work, 'that I never wasmarried myself, Master Davy, and that I don't expect to be.
-- 'What a troublesome world this is, when one hasthe most right to expect it to be as agreeable as possible!'
-- I saw him wink, solemnly, at his sister, as he rose and said, takingup the cane- 'Why, Jane, we can hardly expect Clara to bear, withperfect firmness, the worry and torment that David has occasionedher to-day.
-- He says there ain'ta bit of the original boot left, and he wonders you expect it.'
-- I had no right to expect much, and I did not expect much; but I had no idea that he could be so very clownish, so totally without air.
-- Let her marry Robert Martin, and she is safe, respectable, and happy for ever; but if you encourage her to expect to marry greatly, and teach her to be satisfied with nothing less than a man of conse-quence and large fortune, she may be a parlour-boarder at Mrs. Goddard's all the rest of her life or, at least, (for Har-riet Smith is a girl who will marry somebody or other,) till she grow desperate, and is glad to catch at the old writing-master's son.'
-- If I were to marry, I must expect to repent it.'
-- For-tune I do not want; employment I do not want; consequence I do not want: I believe few married women are half as much mistress of their husband's house as I am of Hartfield; and never, never could I expect to be so truly beloved and im-portant; so always first and always right in any man's eyes as I am in my father's.'
-- Perhaps it was not fair to expect him to feel how very much he was her inferior in talent, and all the elegancies of mind.
-- "I did not expect you to-night.
-- I expect it is simply his nature to be so reserved."
-- "Simply his nature I expect so, miss nothing else in the world."
-- "A perfect one I don't expect to get at my time of life.
-- She seemed to expect assistance, and the seat at the bottom of the table was at her request left vacant until after they had begun the meal.
-- You expect in such places as these to find the weather-house whence a Capuchin issues on wet days; you look to find the execrable engravings which spoil your appetite, framed every one in a black varnished frame, with a gilt beading round it; you know the sort of tortoise-shell clock-case, inlaid with brass; the green stove, the Argand lamps, covered with oil and dust, have met your eyes before.
-- He seemed to expect the visit, for his door stood ajar.
-- "I expect that she was going to call on old Gobseck, a money-lender.
-- ); that as Victorine's mother had nothing when he married her, Victorine ought not to expect anything from him; in fact, he said the most cruel things, that made the poor child burst out crying.
-- He began to understand, though somewhat tardily, that he must not expect to find many women in Paris who were not already appropriated, and that the capture of one of these queens would be likely to cost something more than bloodshed.
-- I dare not expect such success, yet I cannot bear to look on the reverse of the picture.
-- 52 Frankenstein I see by your eagerness and the wonder and hope which your eyes express, my friend, that you expect to be informed of the secret with which I am acquainted; that cannot be; listen patiently until the end of my story, and you will eas-ily perceive why I am reserved upon that subject.
-- I threw the door forcibly open, as children are accus-tomed to do when they expect a spectre to stand in waiting for them on the other side; but nothing appeared.