
发布时间:2021-12-28 13:00:56


system是一个雅思常考词汇,这个词的常用解释为n. 系统, 体系; 制度; 方法, 方式, 步聚,这个词在很多英文原版小说中怎么应用呢,今天小编就带您了解一下。



-- "And so, my Lord, my nervous system is irritated?"

-- The entire atmosphere was charged to the utmost with electricity, the presence of which sent a thrill through the whole nervous system of all animated beings.

-- It gives the cutaneous system an increased thickness, enabling it to resist the inclemency of the season and the incessant attacks of the mosquito.

-- The ascending ridge belonged not to Maunganamu, but to the mountain system of the eastern side of Lake Taupo, so that they had not only pistol shots, but hand-to-hand fighting to fear.



-- 'Within the last few months it became increasingly plain to me that Sir Charles's nervous system was strained to the breaking point.



-- We cannot but ask, remembering the penal system of that day, and the tortures that awaited him the wheel, the stake, the fire! we cannot but ask, I repeat, what - induced him to accuse himself of this crime?

-- If I have once been given to understand and realize that I AM what does it matter to me that the world is organized on a system full of errors and that otherwise it cannot be organized at all?



-- Mr F.'s Aunt may have thrown in these observations on some system of her own, and it may have been ingenious, or even subtle: but the key to it was wanted.

-- (I mention that merely as a fact which is part of the narrative, and not as supposing it to have influenced your sister, except in the prudent and legitimate way in which, constituted as our artificial system is, we must all be influenced by such considerations.)

-- As to Mr Merdle, he was so much wanted by the men in the City and the rest of those places, and was such a doosed extraordinary phenomenon in Buying and Banking and that, that Mr Sparkler doubted if the monetary system of the country would be able to spare him; though that his work was occasionally one too many for him, and that he would be all the better for a temporary shy at an entirely new scene and climate, Mr Sparkler did not conceal.

-- The system had uniformly found great favour with the Barnacles, and that was only reasonable, too; for one who worthily invents must be in earnest, and the Barnacles abhorred and dreaded nothing half so much.

-- Without presuming to decide where doctors disagreed, it did appear to Bar, viewing it as a question of common sense and not of so-called legal penetration, that this new system was might be, in the presence of so great an authority say, Humbug?



-- In his System of Nature, A.D. 1776, Linn脙娄us declares, "I hereby separate the whales from the fish."

-- In connection with this appellative of "Whalebone whales," it is of great importance to mention, that however such a nomenclature may be convenient in facilitating allusions to some kind of whales, yet it is in vain to attempt a clear classification of the Leviathan, founded upon either his baleen, or hump, or fin, or teeth; notwithstanding that those marked parts or features very obviously seem better adapted to afford the basis for a regular system of Cetology than any other detached bodily distinctions, which the whale, in his kinds, presents.

-- And this is the Bibliographical system here adopted; and it is the only one that can possibly succeed, for it alone is practicable.

-- * * * * * *Beyond the DUODECIMO, this system does not proceed, inasmuch as the Porpoise is the smallest of the whales.

-- Finally: It was stated at the outset, that this system would not be here, and at once, perfected.



-- It cannot be expected that this system of farming would produce any very extraordinary or luxuriant crop.

-- For the first six months after Oliver Twist was removed, the system was in full operation.

-- 'Well, well, Mr. Bumble,' he said at length, 'there's no denying that, since the new system of feeding has come in, the coffins are something narrower and more shallow than they used to be; but we must have some profit, Mr. Bumble.

-- 'It's a break-up of the system altogether.



-- There were impending more complications rent day, and more extension of the credit system in the neighbourhood.

-- The men complained that this system was extending, and that the time was not far off when but a few out of 7,000 employees would have regular two-dollar-a-day work at all.

-- They demanded that the system be abolished, and that ten hours be considered a day's work, barring unavoidable delays, with $2.25 pay.





