trade是一个雅思常考词汇,这个词的常用解释为n. 贸易, 商业; 职业, 行业v. 经商, 交易,这个词在很多英文原版小说中怎么应用呢,今天小编就带您了解一下。
-- The dealings of my trade were but a drop of water in the comprehensive ocean of my business!'
-- A certain portion of his time was passed at Cambridge, where he read with undergraduates as a sort of tolerated smuggler who drove a contraband trade in European lan-guages, instead of conveying Greek and Latin through the Custom-house.
-- 'It's enough for you,' retorted Mr. Cruncher, 'to be the wife of a honest tradesman, and not to occupy your female mind with calculations when he took to his trade or when he didn't.
-- A honouring and obeying wife would let his trade alone altogether.
-- They were Mr. Fogg's usual partners at whist: Andrew Stuart, an engineer; John Sullivan and Samuel Fallentin, bankers; Thomas Flanagan, a brewer; and Gauthier Ralph, one of the Directors of the Bank of England all rich and highly respectable personages, even in a club which comprises the princes of English trade and finance.
-- But organic chemistry--that is a trade for pot-washers.
-- I want to learn the doctor trade and make six thousand dollars a year."
-- III When he was depressed by a wonder as to why he was here, listening to a Professor Robertshaw, repeating verses about fat-eared Germans, learning the trade of medicine like Fatty Pfaff or Irving Watters, then Martin had relief in what he considered debauches.
-- The motor cut through a singing trade wind which told of clean sails and disdainful men.
-- They fled away, to Point Carib and the trade wind, and when Inchcape Jones demanded, "After that sort of thing, can you really talk of experimenting?"
-- We have carried on our trade in that house for years past.
-- Murdstone and Grinby's trade was among a good many kinds ofpeople, but an important branch of it was the supply of wines andspirits to certain packetships.
-- Myopinion of the coal trade on that river, is, that it may require talent,but that it certainly requires capital.
-- 407'It's one of the things that cut the trade off from attentions theycould often wish to show,' said Mr. Omer.
-- Your home!You were a partof the trade of your home, and were bought and sold like any othervendible thing your people dealt in.'
-- Miss Hawkins was the youngest of the two daughters of a Bristol merchant, of course, he must be called; but, as the whole of the profits of his mercantile life appeared so very moderate, it was not unfair to guess the dignity of his line of trade had been very moderate also.
-- Reversals of this kind, strange deformities, tremendous paralyses, are often seen to be inflicted by trade upon edifices either individual or in the aggregate as streets and towns which were originally planned for pleasure alone.
-- But my enthusiasm was checked by my anxiety, and I appeared rather like one doomed by slavery to toil in the mines, or any other un-wholesome trade than an artist occupied by his favourite employment.
-- The watchmaker, always poring over a little desk with a magnifying-glass at his eye, and always inspected by a group of smock-frocks poring over him through the glass of his shop-window, seemed to be about the only person in the High Street whose trade engaged his attention.
-- When the gate was closed upon me by Sarah of the walnut-shell countenance, I felt more than ever dissatisfied with my home and with my trade and with everything; and that was all I took by that motion.
-- It bewildered me, and under its influence I continued at heart to hate my trade and to be ashamed of home.
-- He mentioned that there was an opportunity for a great amalgamation and monopoly of the corn and seed trade on those premises, if enlarged, such as had never occurred before in that or any other neighborhood.
-- At the sight of this he was overjoyed, and forgetting all about his son, went into trade again, and became a richer merchant than before.
-- 'See now,' said the fiddler, 'you are good for nothing; you can do no work: what a bargain I have got!However, I'll try and set up a trade in pots and pans, and you shall stand in the market and sell them.'