
发布时间:2021-12-28 13:00:55


school是一个雅思常考词汇,这个词的常用解释为n. 学校, (大学里的) 学院; 上学, 学业; 学派,这个词在很多英文原版小说中怎么应用呢,今天小编就带您了解一下。



-- 'The school is not quite deserted,' said the Ghost.

-- Although they had but that moment left the school be-hind them, they were now in the busy thoroughfares of a city, where shadowy passengers passed and repassed; where shadowy carts and coaches battle for the way, and all the strife and tumult of a real city were.



-- 'Carton,' said his friend, squaring himself at him with a bullying air, as if the fire-grate had been the furnace in which sustained endeavour was forged, and the one delicate thing to be done for the old Sydney Carton of old Shrews-bury School was to shoulder him into it, 'your way is, and always was, a lame way.

-- 'One cloudy moonlight night, in the third week of De-cember (I think the twenty-second of the month) in the year 1757, I was walking on a retired part of the quay by the Seine for the refreshment of the frosty air, at an hour's dis-tance from my place of residence in the Street of the School of Medicine, when a carriage came along behind me, driven very fast.



-- continued he of the police-office, in his dreamy imaginings; 'how it reminds me of the violets in the garden of my aunt Magdalena!Yes, then I was a little wild boy, who did not go to school very regularly.

-- ''True; but first we went to school to learn somewhat,' said she; 'and then we were confirmed.

-- The morn now came; and as soon as the sun appeared, the whole town and the king's palace crumbled together, and one tower after the other; and at last only a single one remained stand-ing where the castle had been before,* and the town was so small and poor, and the school boys came along with their books under their arms, and said, '2000 inhabitants!'



-- Leaving the school very young as a brilliant officer, he had at once got into the circle of wealthy Petersburg army men.

-- The friend of his childhood, a man of the same set, of the same coterie, his comrade in the Corps of Pages, Serpuhovskoy, who had left school with him and had been his rival in class, in gymnastics, in their scrapes and their dreams of glory, had come back a few days before from Central Asia, where he had gained two steps up in rank, and an order rarely bestowed upon generals so young.

-- The footman, though a young man, and one of the new school of footmen, a dandy, was a very kind-hearted, good fellow, and he too knew all about it.

-- He appreciated all kinds, and could have felt inspired by any one of them; but he had no conception of the possibility of knowing nothing at all of any school of painting, and of being inspired directly by what is within the soul, without caring whether what is painted will belong to any recognized school.

-- On completing his high school and university courses with medals, Alexey Alexandrovitch had, with his uncle's aid, immediately started in a prominent position in the service, and from that time forward he had devoted himself exclusively to political ambition.



-- When he lifted his head to listen, his right eyebrow, slightly higher than the left, rose and quivered in his characteristic expression of energy, of independence, and a hint that he could fight, a look of impertinent inquiry which had been known to annoy his teachers and the Sunday School superintendent.

-- There are twelve thousand students; beside this prodigy Oxford is a tiny theological school and Harvard a select college for young gentlemen.

-- Its president is the best money-raiser and the best after-dinner speaker in the United States; and Winnemac was the first school in the world to conduct its extension courses by radio.

-- After three years on a backwoods football team he still believed with unflinching optimism that he could sterilize young men by administering reproofs, with the nickering of a lady Sunday School teacher and the delicacy of a charging elephant.

-- Martin said that which was necessary, and he concluded, "She's the only girl in the graduate school that's got any pep.



-- Though always sickly and delicate Dostoevsky came out third in the final examination of the Petersburg school of Engineering.

-- Know then that my wife was educated in a high-class school for the daughters of noble-men, and on leaving she danced the shawl dance before the governor and other personages for which she was presented with a gold medal and a certificate of merit.

-- She builds all her hopes on you; she says that you will help her now and that she will borrow a little money somewhere and go to her native town with me and set up a boarding school for the daughters of gentlemen and take me to superintend it, and we will begin a new splendid life.

-- Regaining her good-humour, Katerina Ivanovna began at once telling Raskolnikov that when she had obtained her pension, she intended to open a school for the daughters of gentlemen in her native town T .

-- Warming up, Katerina Ivanovna proceeded to enlarge on the peaceful and happy life they would lead in T , on the gymnasium teachers whom she would engage to give lessons in her boarding-school, one a most respect-able old Frenchman, one Mangot, who had taught Katerina Ivanovna herself in old days and was still living in T , and would no doubt teach in her school on moderate terms.



-- I thought her in a different style frommy mother, certainly; but of another school of beauty, I consideredher a perfect example.

-- he said, shaking his head, 'that's the school where theybroke the boy's ribs- two ribs- a little boy he was.






