keeper是一个雅思常考词汇,这个词的常用解释为n. 看护人; 饲养员,这个词在很多英文原版小说中怎么应用呢,今天小编就带您了解一下。
-- This wine-shop keeper was a bull-necked, martial-looking man of thirty, and he should have been of a hot temperament, for, although it was a bitter day, he wore no coat, but carried one slung over his shoulder.
-- The wine-shop keeper accordingly rolled his eyes about, until they rested upon an elderly gentleman and a young lady, who were seated in a corner.
-- The keeper of the wine-shop stopped to strike the wall with his hand, and mutter a tremendous curse.
-- The keeper of the wine-shop, always going a little in advance, and al-ways going on the side which Mr. Lorry took, as though he dreaded to be asked any question by the young lady, turned himself about here, and, carefully feeling in the pockets of the coat he carried over his shoulder, took out a key.
-- There appearing to be no other door on that floor, and the keeper of the wine-shop going straight to this one when they were left alone, Mr. Lorry asked him in a whisper, with a little anger: 'Do you make a show of Monsieur Manette?'
-- Felling timber must be punished as severely as possible, but he could not exact forfeits for cattle being driven onto his fields; and though it annoyed the keeper and made the peasants not afraid to graze their cattle on his land, he could not keep their cattle as a punishment.
-- The keeper of this bookstall,who lived in a little house behind it, used to get tipsy every night,and to be violently scolded by his wife every morning.
-- 'Joseph Poorgrass of Weatherbury,' that's every word I said, and I shouldn't ha' said that if 't hadn't been for Keeper Day's metheglin....
-- The keeper of that gate is the sleepiest man between here and London Dan Randall, that's his name knowed en for years, when he was at Casterbridge gate.
-- It appeared that there had been a previous call which they had not noticed, for on their close approach the door of the turnpike-house opened, and the keeper came out half-dressed, with a candle in his hand.
-- Their keeper had a brace of pistols, and carried a thick-knobbed bludgeon under his arm; but he was on terms of good understanding with them, and stood with them beside him, looking on at the putting-to of the horses, rather with an air as if the convicts were an interesting Exhibition not formally open at the moment, and he the Curator.
-- "Don't take it so much amiss, sir," pleaded the keeper to the angry passenger; "I'll sit next you myself.
-- So he got into his place, still making complaints, and the keeper got into the place next him, and the convicts hauled themselves up as well as they could, and the convict I had recognized sat behind me with his breath on the hair of my head.
-- 'O, she's gone!Has her keeper been for her?'
-- 'However, ma'am,' said Bounderby, 'there are apartments at the Bank, where a born and bred lady, as keeper of the place, would be rather a catch than otherwise; and if the same terms ''I beg your pardon, sir.
-- It is now the residence of the keeper of the Strait of the Sound, and through that Sound more than fifteen thousand vessels of all nations pass every year.
-- [5] [5] The keeper of gigantic cattle, himself still more gigantic!Yes--it was no longer a fossil whose corpse we had raised from the ground in the great cemetery, but a giant capable of guiding and driving these prodigious monsters.
-- 'Good morning!it was kind of you to push the chair up that hill...I hope it wasn't heavy for you,' said Connie, look-ing back at the keeper outside the door.
-- But he was keeper here for two years before the he joined up.
-- The keeper saluted in silence.
-- How icy and clear it was!Brilliant!The new keeper had no doubt put in fresh pebbles.
-- And she had never been here before!She re-alized it was the quiet place where the growing pheasants were reared; the keeper in his shirt-sleeves was kneeling, hammering.
-- said the keeper of the prison, taking his pretty child in his arms, and dictating the words with a kiss.
-- The keeper of a chandler's shop in a front parlour, who took in gentlemen boarders, lent his assistance in making the bed.