savage是一个雅思常考词汇,这个词的常用解释为a. 未开化的; 凶猛的,这个词在很多英文原版小说中怎么应用呢,今天小编就带您了解一下。
-- Never in the delirious dream of a disordered brain could anything more savage, more appalling, more hellish be conceived than that dark form and savage face which broke upon us out of the wall of fog.
-- Many traces we found of him in the bog-girt island where he had hid his savage ally.
-- An ordinary schemer would have been content to work with a savage hound.
-- It was the strongest and most savage in their possession.
-- They are mad!They say society is savage and.
-- When he had received the wicked letter he first commanded Bellerophon to kill that savage monster, the Chimaera, who was not a human being, but a goddess, for she had the head of a lion and the tail of a serpent, while her body was that of a goat, and she breathed forth flames of fire; but Bellerophon slew her, for he was guided by signs from heaven.
-- They then each of them drew out the spear from his shield, and fell on one another like savage lions or wild boars of great strength and endurance: the son of Priam struck the middle of Ajax's shield, but the bronze did not break, and the point of his dart was turned.
-- Thereon the archer goddess in her displeasure sent a prodigious creature against him a savage wild boar with great white tusks that did much harm to his orchard lands, uprooting apple-trees in full bloom and throwing them to the ground.
-- Achilles is savage and remorseless; he is cruel, and cares nothing for the love his comrades lavished upon him more than on all the others.
-- The Tro-jans had gathered round Ulysses like ravenous mountain jackals round the carcase of some horned stag that has been hit with an arrow the stag has fled at full speed so long as his blood was warm and his strength has lasted, but when the arrow has overcome him, the savage jackals devour him in the shady glades of the forest.
-- "I wish you'd keep your fingers out of my eye," said the aerial voice, in a tone of savage expostulation.
-- The growling overhead was renewed, so suddenly and with so much savage anger that it startled me.
-- Then I thought that the man I had just seen had been clothed in bluish cloth, had not been naked as a savage would have been; and I tried to persuade myself from that fact that he was after all probably a peaceful character, that the dull ferocity of his counte-nance belied him.
-- An ugly-looking man, a hunch-backed human savage to all appearance, squatting in the aperture of one of the dens, would stretch his arms and yawn, showing with startling suddenness scissor-edged in-cisors and sabre-like canines, keen and brilliant as knives.
-- The slaty-blue buffaloes, with their long, backward-sweeping horns and savage eyes, rose out their byres, one by one, and followed him, and Mowgli made it very clear to the children with him that he was the master.
-- He was scarred all over with the marks of savage fights, but he was always ready for just one fight more.
-- He heard her savage hiss as the stroke missed.
-- There were white-tusked wild males, with fallen leaves and nuts and twigs lying in the wrinkles of their necks and the folds of their ears; fat, slow-footed she-elephants, with restless, little pinky black calves only three or four feet high running under their stomachs; young elephants with their tusks just beginning to show, and very proud of them; lanky, scraggy old-maid elephants, with their hollow anxious fac-es, and trunks like rough bark; savage old bull elephants, scarred from shoulder to flank with great weals and cuts of bygone fights, and the caked dirt of their solitary mud baths dropping from their shoulders; and there was one with a broken tusk and the marks of the full-stroke, the terrible drawing scrape, of a tiger's claws on his side.
-- The Amir had brought with him for a bodyguard eight hundred men and horses who had never seen a camp or a locomotive before in their lives savage men and savage horses from somewhere at the back of Central Asia.
-- Perhaps no district throughout the wide extent of the intermediate frontiers can furnish a livelier picture of the cruelty and fierceness of the savage warfare of those periods than the country which lies between the head waters of the Hudson and the adjacent lakes.
-- The colors of the war-paint had blended in dark confusion about his fierce countenance, and rendered his swarthy lineaments still more savage and repulsive than if art had attempted an effect which had been thus produced by chance.
-- He was brought among us, as I have heard, by some strange accident in which your father was interested, and in which the savage was rigidly dealt by; but I forget the idle tale, it is enough, that he is now our friend.'
-- The cavalcade had not long passed, before the branches of the bushes that formed the thicket were cautiously moved asunder, and a human visage, as fiercely wild as savage art and unbridled passions could make it, peered out on the re-tiring footsteps of the travelers.
-- While one of these loiterers showed the red skin and wild accouterments of a native of the woods, the other exhibited, through the mask of his rude and nearly savage equipments, the brighter, though sun-burned and long-faced com-plexion of one who might claim descent from a European parentage.