satisfaction是一个雅思常考词汇,这个词的常用解释为n. 满足, 满意; 乐事, 愉快,这个词在很多英文原版小说中怎么应用呢,今天小编就带您了解一下。
-- Mr. Woodhouse had been safely seated long enough to give the history of it, besides all the history of his own and Isabella's coming, and of Emma's being to follow, and had indeed just got to the end of his satisfaction that James should come and see his daughter, when the others appeared, and Mrs. Weston, who had been almost wholly engrossed by her attentions to him, was able to turn away and welcome her dear Emma.
-- Oh!Miss Woodhouse, I would rather done any thing than have it happen: and yet, you know, there was a sort of satisfaction in seeing him behave so pleasantly and so kindly.
-- "But I have the sad satisfaction of knowing that my words, whether pleasing or offensive, are unmistakably true.
-- A motion of satisfaction enlivened her face as she read the complete inscription.
-- It often happens that the woman does not care for them at all, and treats them cruelly; they buy their morsels of satisfaction very dear; but no matter, the fools are never tired of it; they will take their last blanket to the pawnbroker's to give their last five-franc piece to her.
-- The supper things cleared away, Gerald resumed his oration, but with little satisfaction to himself and noneat all to his audience.
-- Asalways after her secret readings, a feeling of smug satisfaction enveloped her, for she felt certain that Ashley still lovedher.
-- It was the greatest feat of the war, and Atlanta took pride and personal satisfaction in the thought that its railroadshad made the victory possible.
-- I shall think of it with a melancholy satisfaction when I wake up in the night.
-- He seemed to have no strength, and he never once hit me hard, and he was always knocked down; but he would be up again in a moment, sponging himself or drinking out of the water-bottle, with the greatest satisfaction in seconding himself according to form, and then came at me with an air and a show that made me believe he really was going to do for me at last.
-- He seemed so brave and innocent, that although I had not proposed the contest, I felt but a gloomy satisfaction in my victory.
-- And now, old chap," said Joe, conveying to me a sensation, first of burning and then of freezing, for I felt as if that familiar expression were applied to Miss Havisham,--"and now, old chap, may we do our duty!May you and me do our duty, both on us, by one and another, and by them which your liberal present--have-conweyed--to be--for the satisfaction of mind-of--them as never--" here Joe showed that he felt he had fallen into frightful difficulties, until he triumphantly rescued himself with the words, "and from myself far be it!"
-- said Estella, "to know what satisfaction it gives me to see those people thwarted, or what an enjoyable sense of the ridiculous I have when they are made ridiculous.
-- As for any further particulars relating to the author, the reader will receive satisfaction from the first pages of the book.
-- When I had for some time entertained their excellencies, to their infinite satisfaction and surprise, I desired they would do me the honour to present my most humble re-spects to the emperor their master, the renown of whose virtues had so justly filled the whole world with admiration, and whose royal person I resolved to attend, before I re-turned to my own country.
-- However, an unlucky school-boy aimed a hazel nut directly at my head, which very narrowly missed me; otherwise it came with so much violence, that it would have infallibly knocked out my brains, for it was almost as large as a small pumpkin, but I had the satisfaction to see the young rogue well beaten, and 117turned out of the room.
-- I was shown ten times a-day, to the 119wonder and satisfaction of all people.
-- I ran sideling upon it, that way and this, as fast as I could, banging the proper keys with my two sticks, and made a shift to play a jig, to the great satisfaction of both their majesties; but it was the most violent exercise I ever underwent; and yet I could not strike above sixteen keys, nor consequently play the bass and treble together, as other artists do; which was a great disadvantage to my per-156 Gulliver's Travelsformance.
-- Mr. Bounderby, bending himself at the knees, literally embraced his legs in his great satisfaction and laughed aloud.
-- 'I shall have the satisfaction of causing you to be strictly educated; and you will be a living proof to all who come into communication with you, of the advantages of the training you will receive.
-- 'Tom,' enquired his sister, slowly, and in a curious tone, as if she were reading what she asked in the fire, and it was not quite plainly written there, 'do you look forward with any satisfaction to this change to Mr.
-- 'At last poor father said that he had given no satisfaction again, and never did give any satisfaction now, and that he was a shame and disgrace, and I should have done better without him all along.
-- It afforded Mr. Bounderby supreme satisfaction to instal himself in this snug little estate, and with demonstrative humility to grow cabbages in the flower-garden.
-- My uncle had not even the satisfaction of urging forward his steed by whip, spur, or voice.