considerate是一个雅思常考词汇,这个词的常用解释为a. 考虑周到的, 体谅的,这个词在很多英文原版小说中怎么应用呢,今天小编就带您了解一下。
-- Then, switching off and becoming cold, he asked, in a voice full of considerate kindness:"Is there anything we can eat here?
-- Although her duties were sufficiently laborious, Nell found in the lady of the caravan a very kind and considerate person, who had not only a peculiar relish for being comfortable herself, but for making everybody about her comfortable also; which latter taste, it may be remarked, is, even in persons who live in much finer places than caravans, a far more rare and uncommon one than the first, and is not by any means its necessary consequence.
-- His brother, patient and considerate in the midst of his own high health and strength, had many and many a day denied himself the sports he loved, to sit beside his couch, telling him old stories till his pale face lighted up with an unwonted glow; to carry him in his arms to some green spot, where he could tend the poor pensive boy as he looked upon the bright summer day, and saw all nature healthy but himself; to be, in any way, his fond and faithful nurse.