journey是一个雅思常考词汇,这个词的常用解释为n. 旅行, 旅程v. 旅行,这个词在很多英文原版小说中怎么应用呢,今天小编就带您了解一下。
-- He who wins it will have a store of iron that will last him five years as they go rolling round, and if his fair fields lie far from a town his shepherd or ploughman will not have to make a journey to buy iron, for he will have a stock of it on his own premises.'
-- When the potter's donkey slipped in the clay pit, Mowgli hauled it out by the tail, and helped to stack the pots for their journey to the market at Khanhiwara.
-- There are fashionable and well-attended wa-tering-places at and near the spring where Hawkeye halted to drink, and roads traverse the forests where he and his friends were compelled to journey without even a path.
-- But he stops; the private path by which we are to journey is, doubtless, at hand.'
-- 'If we journey with the troops, though we may find their presence irksome, shall we not feel better assurance of our safety?'
-- If to this be added the fact that, in con-sequence of the ex parte application of the spur, one side of the mare appeared to journey faster than the other; and that the aggrieved flank was resolutely indicated by unremitted flourishes of a bushy tail, we finish the picture of both horse and man.
-- 'If you journey to the lake, you have mistaken your route,' said Heyward, haughtily; 'the highway thither is at least half a mile behind you.'
-- Chapter XIDuring the journey I thought over my errand with misgiving.
-- Chapter XIVDuring the journey back to England I thought much of Strickland.
-- Chapter XLVI have said already that but for the hazard of a journey to Tahiti I should doubtless never have written this book.
-- The Pacific is more desolate than other seas; its spaces seem more vast, and the most ordinary journey upon it has somehow the feeling of an adventure.
-- The purser of the Oahu told me last journey that he hadn't met a nicer girl in the islands.
-- While in the palanquin, however, the engineer had again relapsed into unconsciousness, which the jolting to which he had been subjected during his journey had brought on, so that they could not now appeal to his ingenuity.
-- The journey through the wood was long; it lasted the whole day, and so allowed plenty of time for examining the flora and fauna.
-- Having identified the animal, which they did not disturb, Gideon Spilett erased "bear" from the title of his sketch, putting koala in its place, and the journey was resumed.
-- The journey had been long, and the task of getting down the balloon had not rested either their arms or legs.
-- With this view he gave his unoccupied hand to Nell, and bidding her be of good cheer as they would soon be at the end of their journey for that night, and stimulating the old man with a similar assurance, led them at a pretty swift pace towards their destination, which he was the less unwilling to make for, as the moon was now overcast and the clouds were threatening rain.
-- 'If the journey you have before you is a long one,' he said, 'and don't press you for one day, you're very welcome to pass another night here.
-- asked his mistress, offering no reply to the philosophical inquiry, and pointing to Nell and the old man, who were painfully preparing to resume their journey on foot.
-- In a word, the single gentleman was bursting out of the office, bent upon laying violent hands on Kit's mother, forcing her into a post-chaise, and carrying her off, when this novel kind of abduction was with some difficulty prevented by the joint efforts of Mr Abel and the Notary, who restrained him by dint of their remonstrances, and persuaded him to sound Kit upon the probability of her being able and willing to undertake such a journey on so short a notice.
-- With thoughts like this, and with some vague design of travelling to a great distance among streams and mountains, where only very poor and simple people lived, and where they might maintain themselves by very humble helping work in farms, free from such terrors as that from which they fled the child, with no resource but the poor man's gift, and no encouragement but that which flowed from her own heart, and its sense of the truth and right of what she did, nerved herself to this last journey and boldly pursued her task.
-- The hunt was successful; two bears were bagged, and they were dining before their journey home, when the woodsman, in whose hut they were stopping, came to tell them that the deacon's daughter had come and wished to see Prince Nekhludoff.
-- Immediately upon his arrival in Moskow, Nekhludoff made his way to the prison hospital, intending to make known to Maslova the Senate's decision and to tell her to prepare for the journey to Siberia.
-- The journey to Perm was very burdensome to Maslova, both physically and morally--physically because of the crowded condition of their quarters, the uncleanliness and disgusting insects, which gave her no rest; morally because of the equally loathsome men who, though they changed at every stopping place, were like the insects, always insolent, intrusive and gave her little rest.