papers是一个雅思常考词汇,这个词的常用解释为n. 文件, 证书,这个词在很多英文原版小说中怎么应用呢,今天小编就带您了解一下。
-- On these occasions, Wemmick took his books and papers into Mr. Jaggers's room, and one of the upstairs clerks came down into the outer office.
-- Before he quitted Redriff, he left the custody of the fol-lowing papers in my hands, with the liberty to dispose of them as I should think fit.
-- These bits of wood were covered, on every square, with paper pasted on them; and on these papers were written all the words of their language, in their several moods, tenses, and declensions; but without any order.
-- These papers are delivered to a set of artists, very dexterous in finding out the mysterious meanings of words, syllables, and letters: for instance, they can discover a close stool, to signify a privy council; a flock of geese, a senate; a lame dog, an invader; the plague, a standing army; a buzzard, a prime minister; the gout, a high priest; a gibbet, a secretary of state; a cham-ber pot, a committee of grandees; a sieve, a court lady; a broom, a revolution; a mouse-trap, an employment; a bot-tomless pit, a treasury; a sink, a court; a cap and bells, a favourite; a broken reed, a court of justice; an empty tun, a general; a running sore, the administration.
-- I ha' read i' th' papers that great folk (fair faw 'em a'!I wishes 'em no hurt!)
-- I read in th' papers every 'Sizes, every Sessions and you read too I know it! with dismay how th' supposed unpossibility o' ever getting unchained from one another, at any price, on any terms, brings blood upon this land, and brings many common married fok to battle, murder, and sudden death.
-- Your portmanteau is not packed--my papers are not in order--the precious tailor has not brought my clothes, nor my gaiters--the key of my carpet bag is gone!"
-- 'I see your photograph, and Sir Clifford's, in the illustrated papers sometimes.
-- 'And just take those old papers out, will you?'
-- Leslie Winter was attached to Clifford, but personally did not entertain a great respect for him, because of the photographs in illus-trated papers and the literature.
-- 'No!Only some photographs and papers about a place out there in British Columbia.'
-- He changed his posture to a sitting one, crying with a triumphant air:'Here I am!See me!Shaken out of destiny's dice-box into the company of a mere smuggler; shut up with a poor little contraband trader, whose papers are wrong, and whom the police lay hold of besides, for placing his boat (as a means of getting beyond the frontier) at the disposition of other little people whose papers are wrong; and he instinctively recognises my position, even by this light and in this place.
-- There was then a mighty production of papers on the part of the cocked hats, and a calling over of names, and great work of signing, sealing, stamping, inking, and sanding, with exceedingly blurred, gritty, and undecipherable results.
-- Apparently, he helped to make the bed, that he might not lose an opportunity of stating this case; after which unloading of his mind, and after announcing (as it seemed he always did, without anything coming of it) that he was going to write a letter to the papers and show the marshal up, he fell into miscellaneous conversation with the rest.
-- With which instruction to number two, this sparkling young Barnacle took a fresh handful of papers from numbers one and three, and carried them into the sanctuary to offer to the presiding Idol of the Circumlocution Office.
-- That his papers were in arrear, and that he stood in need of assistance to develop the capacity of his business, was clear enough; but all the results of his undertakings during many years were distinctly set forth, and were ascertainable with ease.
-- 'There, now I'll take off the papers and you'll see a cloud of little ringlets,' said Jo, putting down the tongs.
-- For two or three hours the sun lay warmly in the high window, show-ing Jo seated on the old sofa, writing busily, with her papers spread out upon a trunk before her, while Scrabble, the pet rat, promenaded the beams overhead, accompanied by his oldest son, a fine young fellow, who was evidently very proud of his whiskers.
-- 'Sensible girls for whom I do care whole papers of pins won't let me send them 'flowers and things', so what can I do?
-- Books and papers everywhere, a bro-ken meerschaum, and an old flute over the mantlepiece as if done with, a ragged bird without any tail chirped on one window seat, and a box of white mice adorned the other.
-- I felt myself disgraced and deserted forever, but didn't blame him a particle, and was scrambling my papers together, meaning to rush upstairs and shake myself hard, when in he came, as brisk and beaming as if I'd covered myself in glory.
-- cries the Captain at his busy desk, hurriedly making out his papers for the Customs 'Who's there?'
-- "And thou mayest as well sign the papers right off," he added "come along with ye."
-- For the long absent ship, the outward-bounder, perhaps, has letters on board; at any rate, she will be sure to let her have some papers of a date a year or two later than the last one on her blurred and thumb-worn files.