
发布时间:2021-12-28 13:00:53


provoke是一个雅思常考词汇,这个词的常用解释为vt. 激怒; 引起,这个词在很多英文原版小说中怎么应用呢,今天小编就带您了解一下。



-- If the savages were still in the ambush below, these unusual sounds might provoke from both sides a dangerous fusillade.



-- Take care now; don't provoke me too much, or I'll tell all.



-- She shall grow old in my house at Argos far from her own home, busying herself with her loom and visiting my couch; so go, and do not provoke me or it shall be the worse for you.'

-- At this Jove was much troubled and answered, 'I shall have trouble if you set me quarrelling with Juno, for she will provoke me with her taunting speeches; even now she is al-ways railing at me before the other gods and accusing me of giving aid to the Trojans.

-- The son of Saturn then began to tease Juno, talking at her so as to provoke her.

-- Moreover I know well, O Priam, and you cannot hide it, that some god has brought you to the ships of the Achaeans, for else, no man however strong and in his prime would dare to come to our host; he could neither pass our guard unseen, nor draw the bolt of my gates thus easily; therefore, provoke me no further, lest I sin against the word of Jove, and suffer you not, suppliant though you are, within my tents.'



-- He would provoke them and set them off.

-- He had hitherto taken up a cold and even antagonistic attitude to this new doctrine, and with Countess Lidia Ivanovna, who had been carried away by it, he had never argued, but by silence had assiduously parried her attempts to provoke him into argument.



-- I won't provoke my betters with knowledge, thankyou.



-- Were we among the tamer scenes of nature I might fear to encounter your unbelief, perhaps your ridicule; but many things will ap-pear possible in these wild and mysterious regions which would provoke the laughter of those unacquainted with the ever-varied powers of nature; nor can I doubt but that my tale conveys in its series internal evidence of the truth of the events of which it is composed.'



-- 'Blandois!How can you be such a fool as to provoke him!By Heaven, and the other place too, he'll tear you to bits!Lie down!Lion!Do you hear my voice, you rebel!'

-- It was a dinner to provoke an appetite, though he had not had one.

-- 'If you speak so of them with any one else by to hear, you'll provoke me to take their part,' said the girl.



-- 'Jo March, you are perverse enough to provoke a saint!



-- Provoke him, and he will buckle to a shark.



-- She often tried to provoke Darcy into disliking her guest, by talking of their supposed marriage, and planning his happiness in such an alliance.

-- In his present behaviour to herself, moreover, she had a fresh source of displeasure, for the inclination he soon testified of renewing those intentions which had marked the early part of their ac-quaintance could only serve, after what had since passed, to provoke her.

-- The easy assurance of the young couple, indeed, was enough to provoke him.

-- They were now almost at the door of the house, for she had walked fast to get rid of him; and unwilling, for her sister's sake, to provoke him, she only said in reply, with a good-humoured smile: 'Come, Mr. Wickham, we are brother and sister, you know.

-- There was nothing of presumption or folly in Bingley that could provoke his ridicule, or disgust him into silence; and he was more communicative, and less eccentric, than the other had ever seen him.



-- Such conduct made them of course most exceedingly laughed at; but ridicule could not shame, and seemed hardly to provoke them.

-- Elinor thought it wisest to make no answer to this, lest they might provoke each other to an unsuitable increase of ease and unreserve; and was even partly determined never to mention the subject again.

-- But can we wonder that, with such a husband to provoke inconstancy, and without a friend to advise or restrain her (for my father lived only a few months after their marriage, and I was with my regiment in the East Indies) she should fall?

-- Perhaps Mrs. Jennings was in hopes, by this vigorous sketch of their future ennui, to provoke him to make that offer, which might give himself an escape from it; and if so, she had soon afterwards good reason to think her object gained; for, on Elinor's moving to the window to take more expeditiously the dimensions of a print, which she was going to copy for her friend, he followed her to it with a look of particular meaning, and conversed with her there for several minutes.



