traverse是一个雅思常考词汇,这个词的常用解释为vt. 横越, 穿过,这个词在很多英文原版小说中怎么应用呢,今天小编就带您了解一下。
-- If we had to cross the continent in a lower latitude, at its wildest part, and traverse immense deserts, where there is no water and where the heat is tropical, and go where the most adventurous travelers have never yet ventured, that would be a different matter.
-- "At Melbourne, unless we traverse the whole continent from coast to coast."
-- The contrast was presented very vividly to the spectators placed between these two countries so divided, and some emotion filled the minds of the travelers, as they contemplated the almost unknown district they were about to traverse right to the frontiers of Victoria.
-- You are going to traverse the most difficult portion of Victoria, a desert, where everything is wanting, the squatters say; plains covered with scrub, where is no beaten track and no stations.
-- IN WHICH THE RED SEA AND THE INDIAN OCEAN PROVE PROPITIOUS TO THE DESIGNS OF PHILEAS FOGGThe distance between Suez and Aden is precisely thirteen hundred and ten miles, and the regulations of the company allow the steamers one hundred and thirty-eight hours in which to traverse it.
-- The Mongolia had still sixteen hundred and fifty miles to traverse before reaching Bombay, and was obliged to remain four hours at Steamer Point to coal up.
-- A hundred miles, and only one day to traverse them!That very evening Mr. Fogg was due at Shanghai, if he did not wish to miss the steamer to Yokohama.
-- The difficulty was, how to traverse the four thousand seven hundred miles of the Pacific which lay between Japan and the New World.
-- Could he have followed without deviation the fiftieth parallel, which is that of London, the whole distance would only have been about twelve thousand miles; whereas he would be forced, by the irregular methods of locomotion, to traverse twenty-six thousand, of which he had, on the 23rd of November, accomplished seventeen thousand five hundred.
-- Now, it struck me, when we began to visit individuals in theircells, and to traverse the passages in which those cells were, and tohave the manner of the going to chapel and so forth, explained tous, that there was a strong probability of the prisoners knowing agood deal about each other, and of their carrying on a prettycomplete system of intercourse.
-- There are fashionable and well-attended wa-tering-places at and near the spring where Hawkeye halted to drink, and roads traverse the forests where he and his friends were compelled to journey without even a path.
-- To be delivered into the hands of Sir Wil-liam Johnson was far preferable to being led into the wilds of Canada; but in order to effect even the former, it would be necessary to traverse the forest for many weary leagues, each step of which was carrying him further from the scene of the war, and, consequently, from the post, not only of honor, but of duty.
-- I suppose it took her a minute or so to traverse the place, but to me she seemed to shoot across the room like a rocket.
-- Who can follow an animal which can traverse the sea of ice and inhabit caves and dens where no man would venture to intrude?
-- My courage and perseverance were invigorated by these scoffing words; I resolved not to fail in my purpose, and calling on heaven to support me, I continued with unabated fervour to traverse immense deserts, until the ocean ap-peared at a distance and formed the utmost boundary of the horizon.
-- Now, there were many stairs and passages that she had to traverse in passing from that part of the spacious house to the chamber she had secured for her own occupation.
-- For even the high lifted and chivalric Crusaders of old times were not content to traverse two thousand miles of land to fight for their holy sepulchre, without committing burglaries, picking pockets, and gaining other pious perquisites by the way.
-- The hunters could therefore traverse it without getting wet higher than the knee.
-- The colonists were about to begin to traverse the plateau to return to the Chimneys, when Top gave new signs of agitation.