bell是一个雅思常考词汇,这个词的常用解释为n. 钟, 铃,这个词在很多英文原版小说中怎么应用呢,今天小编就带您了解一下。
-- Chapter XIXI had not announced my arrival to Stroeve, and when I rang the bell of his studio, on opening the door himself, for a moment he did not know me.
-- 'The bell wakes me, even in the middle of a dream.'
-- After praying fervently, and with many bursting tears, for the old man, and the restoration of his peace of mind and the happiness they had once enjoyed, she would lay her head upon the pillow and sob herself to sleep: often starting up again, before the day-light came, to listen for the bell and respond to the imaginary summons which had roused her from her slumber.
-- The hero's wife and one child, the hobby-horse, the doctor, the foreign gentleman who not being familiar with the language is unable in the representation to express his ideas otherwise than by the utterance of the word 'Shallabalah' three distinct times, the radical neighbour who will by no means admit that a tin bell is an organ, the executioner, and the devil, were all here.
-- In the smaller public-houses, fiddles with all their might and main were squeaking out the tune to staggering feet; drunken men, oblivious of the burden of their song, joined in a senseless howl, which drowned the tinkling of the feeble bell and made them savage for their drink; vagabond groups assembled round the doors to see the stroller woman dance, and add their uproar to the shrill flageolet and deafening drum.
-- Many a time they went up and down those long, long lines, seeing everything but the horses and the race; when the bell rang to clear the course, going back to rest among the carts and donkeys, and not coming out again until the heat was over.
-- He expected that the ringing of the bell would bring her running to meet him, but on the perron of the servants' quarters appeared two bare-footed women with tucked-up skirts, carrying buckets, who were apparently scrubbing floors.
-- But at that moment the third bell rang, and the train began to move, the cars jostling each other forward.
-- Arriving at the prison he rang the front-door bell and handed his pass to the warden on duty.
-- With a faint heart and with horror at the thought that he might find Maslova in an inebriate condition and persistently antagonistic, and at the mystery which she was to him, Nekhludoff rang the bell and inquired of the inspector about Maslova.
-- He rang the bell and called for the secretary.
-- And ringing the bell in passing, he led the way into the adjoining room.
-- 'I'll wait till the song's over,' thought Alice, 'and then I'll ring the which bell must I ring?'
-- The dishes, of bell metal, were placed on the table, and we took our places.
-- Chance had conducted the Nautilus towards the Island of Clermont-Tonnere, one of the most curious of the group, that was discovered in 1822 by Captain Bell of the Minerva.
-- The first beat of the hammer on the bell awoke me from my dreams.
-- She was startled by hearing the bell ring, away in the kitchen, the children came scudding along the passage in delicious alarm.
-- Birkin rang the bell for tea.
-- His heart rang like a bell clanging inside him.