inflict是一个雅思常考词汇,这个词的常用解释为vt. 使遭受, 强加,这个词在很多英文原版小说中怎么应用呢,今天小编就带您了解一下。
-- It will take them all ten years to heal the wounds my lightning shall inflict upon them; my grey-eyed daughter will then learn what quarrelling with her father means.
-- It will take you all ten years to heal the wounds his lightning will inflict upon you, that you may learn, grey-eyed goddess, what quarrelling with your father means.
-- A worthless coward can inflict but a light wound; when I wound a man though I but graze his skin it is another mat-ter, for my weapon will lay him low.
-- Encamped at a quarter before nine, in good time to touch his threecornered hat to the oldest of men as they passed in to Tellson's, Jerry took up his station on this windy March morning, with young Jerry standing by him, when not en-gaged in making forays through the Bar, to inflict bodily and mental injuries of an acute description on passing boys who were small enough for his amiable purpose.
-- It spat like a cat, scratched and kicked vigorously with its hind-legs, and made an attempt to bite; but its teeth were too feeble to inflict more than a painless pinch.
-- "I say, it's a shame to inflict my hobbies on you.
-- To have imposed any derogatory work uponhim, would have been to inflict a wanton insult on the feelings of amost respectable man.
-- 'I love the child if you could do without making me deceive her 'The dwarf muttering a terrible oath looked round as if for some weapon with which to inflict condign punishment upon his disobedient wife.
-- Perhaps it is only human nature to inflict suffering on anything that will endure suffering, whether by reason of its genuine humility, or indifference, or sheer helplessness.
-- Absence cannot have rendered you callous to our joys and griefs; and how shall I inflict pain on my long absent son?
-- Had I right, for my own benefit, to inflict this curse upon everlasting generations?
-- Drill always ended in the saloons of Jonesboro, and by nightfall so many fights had broken out that the officerswere hard put to ward off casualties until the Yankees could inflict them.
-- "But why inflict unnecessary torture?"
-- They appeared to be about to inflict on us the usual final kiss of the Icelanders.
-- It is due to the young lady to say that she did not positively affirm that she would not, but that she merely expressed an emphatic and earnest desire to be 'blessed' if she would; a polite and delicate evasion of the request, which shows the young lady to have been possessed of that natural good breeding which cannot bear to inflict upon a fellow-creature, the pain of a direct and pointed refusal.
-- If it be so, if I have been misled by such error to inflict pain on her, your resentment has not been unreasonable.
-- At the same time, she would not delay to inflict any injury, big or little, which would wound the object of her revenge and still leave him uncertain as to the source of the evil.