amateur是一个雅思常考词汇,这个词的常用解释为n. /a. 业余爱好者(的),这个词在很多英文原版小说中怎么应用呢,今天小编就带您了解一下。
-- He is curiously employed at present, for, being an amateur astronomer, he has an excellent telescope, with which he lies upon the roof of his own house and sweeps the moor all day in the hope of catching a glimpse of the escaped convict.
-- CHAPTER VIII IN TRANSIT The eighth chapter is exceedingly brief, and relates that Gibbons, the amateur naturalist of the district, while lying out on the spacious open downs without a soul within a couple of miles of him, as he thought, and almost dozing, heard close to him the sound as of a man coughing, sneezing, and then swearing savagely to himself; and looking, beheld nothing.
-- Chapter 9 The old neglected palazzo, with its lofty carved ceilings and frescoes on the walls, with its floors of mosaic, with its heavy yellow stuff curtains on the windows, with its vases on pedestals, and its open fireplaces, its carved doors and gloomy reception rooms, hung with pictures--this palazzo did much, by its very appearance after they had moved into it, to confirm in Vronsky the agreeable illusion that he was not so much a Russian country gentleman, a retired army officer, as an enlightened amateur and patron of the arts, himself a modest artist who had renounced the world, his connections, and his ambition for the sake of the woman he loved.
-- Anxious to throw some light on his own perplexity from the impressions of others, Levin began to walk about, looking for connoisseurs, and was glad to see a well-known musical amateur in conversation with Pestsov, whom he knew.
-- Passepartout, who had been anxiously watching this amateur gymnast, approached him with lively interest, and learned that he had taken flight after an unpleasant domestic scene.
-- III Clay Tredgold admired their amateur arson and rejoiced, "Fine!I'm going to back you up in everything the D.P.H.
-- And this Stokes, rather a bounder, a frightful bore, fancied himself as an amateur bacteriologist!It was a bit thick to have him creeping about the docks, catching rats, making cultures from the bellies of their fleas, and barging in--sandy-headed and red- faced, thin and unpleasant--to insist that they bore plague.
-- Sondelius returned to Blackwater, but Martin remained in the tent village for two days, giving them the phage, making notes, directing the amateur nurses.
-- I soon forgot him in the contemplation of Steerforth, who, in aneasy amateur way, and without any book (he seemed to me toknow everything by heart), took some of his classes until a newmaster was found.
-- The tourist, the valetudinarian, or the amateur of the beauties of nature, who, in the train of his four-in-hand, now rolls through the scenes we have attempted to describe, in quest of information, health, or pleasure, or floats steadi-ly toward his object on those artificial waters which have sprung up under the administration of a statesman* who has dared to stake his political character on the hazardous issue, is not to suppose that his ancestors traversed those hills, or struggled with the same currents with equal facility.
-- "Has he been doing the Amateur Cadger?
-- It was a wonderful equipage, with six great coronets outside, and ragged things behind for I don't know how many footmen to hold on by, and a harrow below them, to prevent amateur footmen from yielding to the temptation.
-- I took what Joe gave me, and found it to be the crumpled play-bill of a small metropolitan theatre, announcing the first appearance, in that very week, of "the celebrated Provincial Amateur of Roscian renown, whose unique performance in the highest tragic walk of our National Bard has lately occasioned so great a sensation in local dramatic circles."
-- A folded piece of paper in one of them attracting my attention, I opened it and found it to be the play-bill I had received from Joe, relative to the celebrated provincial amateur of Roscian renown.
-- After a short pause of repose, Miss Skiffins--in the absence of the little servant who, it seemed, retired to the bosom of her family on Sunday afternoons--washed up the tea-things, in a trifling lady-like amateur manner that compromised none of us.
-- He raised his shoulders, spread his hands in a shrug of slow indifference, as much as to inform her she was an amateur and an impertinent nobody.
-- These amateur smiths had, of course, no hammer; but they were in no worse a situatio n than the first metallurgist, and therefore did what, no doubt, he had to do.
-- The pipe destined to conduct the smoke outside gave some trouble to these amateur bricklayers.
-- He had been a very indifferent musical amateur in his better days; and when he fell with his brother, resorted for support to playing a clarionet as dirty as himself in a small Theatre Orchestra.
-- He appeared to be an artist by profession, and to have been at Rome some time; yet he had a slight, careless, amateur way with him a perceptible limp, both in his devotion to art and his attainments which Clennam could scarcely understand.
-- We shall all be hurried during the rest of our stay here; and though there's not a poorer man with whole elbows in Venice, than myself, I have not quite got all the Amateur out of me yet comprising the trade again, you see! and can't fall on to order, in a hurry, for the mere sake of the sixpences.'
-- "'Under the Gaslight,'" said Mr. Quincel, mentioning Augustin Daly's famous production, which had worn from a great public success down to an amateur theatrical favourite, with many of the troublesome accessories cut out and the dramatis personae reduced to the smallest possible number.
-- "I don't know any one that knows anything about amateur theatricals."
-- "I have taken part in amateur performances."