risk是一个雅思常考词汇,这个词的常用解释为v. 冒…的危险n. 冒险; 风险,这个词在很多英文原版小说中怎么应用呢,今天小编就带您了解一下。
-- Better wait an hour or two, or even half a day for your letters, than run the risk of bringing on your cough again.
-- He owed it to her, to risk any thing that might be involved in an unwelcome in-terference, rather than her welfare; to encounter any thing, rather than the remembrance of neglect in such a cause.
-- He had been thinking it over most deeply, most intently; he had at first hoped to induce Mr. Woodhouse to remove with her to Donwell; he had wanted to believe it feasible, but his knowledge of Mr. Woodhouse would not suffer him to deceive himself long; and now he confessed his persuasion, that such a transplantation would be a risk of her father's comfort, perhaps even of his life, which must not be hazard-ed.
-- Bathsheba was revolving in her mind whether by a bold and desperate rush she could free herself at the risk of leaving her skirt bodily behind her.
-- The risk of injuring you through your moving was too great not to force me to tell you a fib to escape it."
-- Seven hundred and fifty pounds in the divinest form that money can wear that of necessary food for man and beast: should the risk be run of deteriorating this bulk of corn to less than half its value, because of the instability of a woman?
-- "We may," added Mark Clark, emphatically, at once drinking himself, to run no further risk of losing his chance by the event alluded to, Jan meanwhile merging his additional thoughts of to-morrow in a song: To-mor-row, to-mor-row!And while peace and plen-ty I find at my board, With a heart free from sick-ness and sor-row,With my friends will I share what to-day may af-ford, And let them spread the ta-ble to-mor-row.
-- "My mistress did certainly once say, though not seriously, that she supposed she might marry again at the end of seven years from last year, if she cared to risk Mr.
-- Perhaps there are people who know that they have nothing more to look for from those with whom they live; they have shown the emptiness of their hearts to their housemates, and in their secret selves they are conscious that they are severely judged, and that they deserve to be judged severely; but still they feel an unconquerable craving for praises that they do not hear, or they are consumed by a desire to appear to possess, in the eyes of a new audience, the qualities which they have not, hoping to win the admiration or affection of strangers at the risk of forfeiting it again some day.
-- said the Commissary-General's widow; "if I could speak to him myself and give him his wife's last letter!I have never dared to run the risk of sending it by post; he knew my handwriting----" "'Oh woman, persecuted and injured innocent!'"
-- The law student felt quite sure that the odious Maxime found him in the way, and even at the risk of displeasing Mme.
-- I couldn't risk being a wallflower just waiting on youtwo."
-- For, Melanie, these things I have named are but the symbols of the thing forwhich I risk my life, symbols of the kind of life I love.
-- Moreover, he usually brought her some little gift fromNassau which he assured her he had purchased especially for her and blockaded in at risk of his life papers of pinsand needles, buttons, spools of silk thread and hairpins.
-- She could not risk Mrs. Merriwether writing another letter to her mother.
-- Now Ashley was going away, back to Virginia, back to the long marches in the sleet, to hungry bivouacs in thesnow, to pain and hardship and to the risk of all the bright beauty of his golden head and proud slender body beingblotted out in an instant, like an ant beneath a careless heel.
-- Every hour so increased my abhorrence of him, that I even think I might have yielded to this impulse in the first agonies of being so haunted, notwithstanding all he had done for me and the risk he ran, but for the knowledge that Herbert must soon come back.
-- He was determined at any risk to proceed.
-- But let us take care never to separate; for surely we should risk never meeting again."
-- I am about to fire at any risk and try the effect of a shot.
-- This man, whose superhuman devotion to his employers I not only never saw surpassed, nor even equaled, had been hard at work all the time we slept, and at the risk of his life had succeeded in saving the most precious articles of our cargo.
-- Ha, ha!but for this little instrument we might make a mistake, and run the risk of coming out at the antipodes!"
-- When they came to the top of the rise he stopped; he would not risk the long and very jolty down-slope.
-- She was not going to risk any chance comer, not she!One might take a lover almost at any mo-ment, but a man who should beget a child on one...wait!