wheat是一个雅思常考词汇,这个词的常用解释为n. 小麦,这个词在很多英文原版小说中怎么应用呢,今天小编就带您了解一下。
-- Levin knew that his elder brother took little interest in farming, and only put the question in deference to him, and so he only told him about the sale of his wheat and money matters.
-- I was up home; an old man up there has sown wheat too, about an acre of it.
-- "Have yo been sowing wheat long?"
-- In was bargaining for some wheat of him, and a pretty price In offered too."
-- The horses were allowed to stray into the wheat because not a single laborer would consent to be night- watchman, and in spite of orders to the contrary, the laborers insisted on taking turns for night duty, and Ivan, after working all day long, fell asleep, and was very penitent for his fault, saying, "Do what you will to me, your honor."
-- So they straggled through the Montana wheatland, whole duchies of wheat in one shining field, through the cattle-country and the sagebrush desert, and suddenly, staring at a persistent cloud, Martin realized that he beheld the mountains.
-- "Well, it's got lots of wheat and lots of Swedes."
-- Bert stated that Martin would come down-town at ten and be shown the bank, creamery, and wheat elevator.
-- No sense taking a risk, with the blame farmers demanding all the money they can get for their wheat and cream, and then deliberately going to work and not paying the interest on their loans.
-- Wise's shack was a one-story structure, not badly built, half a block from Main Street, with nothing but the railroad track between it and open wheat country.
-- Why, the Ecclesiastical Delegates werethe advocates without any business, who had looked on at theround game when it was playing on both courts, and had seen thecards shuffled, and cut, and played, and had talked to all theplayers about it, and now came fresh, as judges, to settle the matterto the satisfaction of everybody!Discontented people might talk ofcorruption in the Commons, closeness in the Commons, and thenecessity of reforming the Commons, said Mr. Spenlow solemnly,in conclusion; but when the price of wheat per bushel had beenhighest, the Commons had been busiest; and a man might lay hishand upon his heart, and say this to the whole world.- 'Touch theCommons, and down comes the country!'
-- That 362about the price of wheat per bushel, I modestly felt was too muchfor my strength, and quite settled the question.
-- I must say that I had my doubts about the strict justice of this, andwas not even frightened out of them by the bushel of wheat whichreconciles all anomalies.
-- The wheat was now tall, and the path was narrow; thus the way was quite a sunken groove between the embowing thicket on either side.
-- The wheat when threshed would average about thirty quarters to each stack; the barley, at least forty.
-- By this hurried contrivance Bathsheba's property in wheat was safe for at any rate a week or two, provided always that there was not much wind.
-- Much of his wheat and all his barley of that season had been spoilt by the rain.
-- Scarlett sopped the wheat cake in the gravy and put it in her mouth.
-- Something to be worked so much and paid so much, and there ended; something to be infallibly settled by laws of supply and demand; something that blundered against those laws, and floundered into difficulty; something that was a little pinched when wheat was dear, and over-ate itself when wheat was cheap; something that increased at such a rate of percentage, and yielded such another percentage of crime, and such another percentage of pauperism; something wholesale, of which vast fortunes were made; something that occasionally rose like a sea, and did some harm and waste (chiefly to itself), and fell again; this she knew the Coketown Hands to be.
-- 'Ye must be born again!I believe in the resurrection of the body!Ex-cept a grain of wheat fall into the earth and die, it shall by no means bring forth.
-- The chair moved slowly ahead, past tufts of sturdy bluebells that stood up like wheat and over grey burdock leaves.
-- 'I hope there will be more wheat and fewer tares every year,' said Amy softly.
-- There had been some barley and wheat together; but, to my great disappointment, I found afterwards that the rats had eaten or spoiled it all.
-- Remember the old proverb which says: 'Bad wheat always makes poor bread!'"