decision是一个雅思常考词汇,这个词的常用解释为n. 决定, 决心; 决议; 决策,这个词在很多英文原版小说中怎么应用呢,今天小编就带您了解一下。
-- "I won't go into the church," she said suddenly, with such final decision that Ursula immediately halted, turned round, and branched off up a small side path which led to the little private gate of the Grammar School, whose grounds adjoined those of the church.
-- Favour us with your decision as speedily as possible, ma'am.'
-- And the consciousness that he could and must defer his decision pleased him.
-- Then began the recounting of witnesses, their removal to a separate room, the decision on the evidence of the medical expert.
-- It followed from the decision of the jury, that Maslova had not stolen or robbed, but had poisoned a man without any apparent reason.
-- "Just see what an absurd decision they have reached," he said to the associate on his left.
-- "The court gave its decision in accordance with your own finding," answered the justiciary, moving toward the door, "although the answers did not seem to suit the case."