contrast是一个雅思常考词汇,这个词的常用解释为v. 使对比, 形成对照; n. 明显的差别,这个词在很多英文原版小说中怎么应用呢,今天小编就带您了解一下。
-- The contrast aroused a deep sympathy in his heart as he looked at the lovely face.
-- 'It was to be fifty if I won the case, only five if I lost,' inter-rupted Lebedeff, speaking in a low tone, a great contrast to his earlier manner.
-- There was so great a contrast between us that I am sure we must both have felt it; anyhow, I felt it acutely.
-- I remarked to him, as I rose to depart, that, in spite of the contrast and the wide differences between us two, les extremites se touchent ('extremes meet,' as I explained to him in Russian); so that maybe he was not so far from my final conviction as ap-peared.
-- He was struck by the contrast of Mr. Marvel's appearance with this suggestion of opulence.
-- Then came a representation of the light and graceful move-ments of a canoe, set in forcible contrast to the tottering steps of one enfeebled and tired.
-- The trees of many acres had been felled, and the glow of a mild summer's evening had fallen on the clearing, in beautiful contrast to the gray light of the forest.
-- After essaying its virtues repeatedly, in contrast with his own voice, and, satisfying himself that none of its melody was lost, he made a very serious demon-stration toward achieving a few stanzas of one of the longest effusions in the little volume so often mentioned.
-- His dark, wrinkled countenance was in singular and wild contrast with the long white locks which floated on his shoulders, in such thickness, as to an-nounce that generations had probably passed away since they had last been shorn.
-- His head, on the whole of which the hair had been permitted to grow, the pursuits of war having so long been abandoned, was encircled by a sort of plated diadem, which, in its turn, bore lesser and more glitter-ing ornaments, that sparkled amid the glossy hues of three drooping ostrich feathers, dyed a deep black, in touching contrast to the color of his snow-white locks.
-- She was the only woman of the three whose face was free of make-up, and by contrast with the others she seemed simple and unaffected.
-- She must be a woman of complicated character, and there was something dramatic in the contrast of that with her demure appearance.
-- I have narrated all this as best I could, because I like the contrast of these episodes with the life that I had seen Strickland live in Ashley Gardens when he was occupied with stocks and shares; but I am aware that Captain Nichols was an outrageous liar, and I dare say there is not a word of truth in anything he told me.
-- But what a contrast between this and the eastern coast, upon which chance had first thrown them.
-- A cheerful fire was blazing on the hearth, the lamp burnt brightly, my clock received me with its old familiar welcome; everything was quiet, warm and cheering, and in happy contrast to the gloom and darkness I had quitted.
-- The form was that of a man, miserably clad and begrimed with smoke, which, perhaps by its contrast with the natural colour of his skin, made him look paler than he really was.
-- 'I say,' pursued Brass, glancing aside at his sister, as though he were talking for her information, and speaking with a snarling malignity, in violent contrast to his usual smoothness, 'that I answer to all these questions, Quilp Quilp, who deludes me into his infernal den, and takes a delight in looking on and chuckling while I scorch, and burn, and bruise, and maim myself Quilp, who never once, no never once, in all our communications together, has treated me otherwise than as a dog Quilp, whom I have always hated with my whole heart, but never so much as lately.
-- This strong, overfed man, like Nekhludoff himself, made a striking contrast to the emaciated, wrinkled faces of the peasants, and the bare shoulder-bones sticking out from under their caftans.
-- By contrast with the brilliancy outside, it seemed at first impenetrably dark to me.
-- I followed him in, and I remember observing the contrast the neat, bright doctor, with his powder as white as snow and his bright, black eyes and pleasant manners, made with the coltish country folk, and above all, with that filthy, heavy, bleared scarecrow of a pirate of ours, sitting, far gone in rum, with his arms on the table.
-- Silver himself appeared less terrible in contrast with this creature of the woods, and I turned on my heel, and looking sharply behind me over my shoulder, began to retrace my steps in the direction of the boats.
-- The sight of so many good-humoured faces (especially the blacks), the taste of the tropical fruits, and above all the lights that began to shine in the town made a most charming contrast to our dark and bloody sojourn on the island; and the doctor and the squire, taking me along with them, went ashore to pass the early part of the night.
-- The whole sky, though lit by the sidereal rays, seemed black by contrast with the whiteness of the waters.
-- But Mr. Heathcliff forms a singular contrast to his abode and style of living.