strike是一个雅思常考词汇,这个词的常用解释为n. /vi. 罢工vt. 打, 击; 攻击; 给…深刻印象,这个词在很多英文原版小说中怎么应用呢,今天小编就带您了解一下。
-- The lengthened sheet of the Champlain stretched from the fron-tiers of Canada, deep within the borders of the neighboring province of New York, forming a natural passage across half the distance that the French were compelled to master in order to strike their enemies.
-- 'If all our reasons for fear, my friend, are confined to such as proceed from supernatural causes, we have but little oc-casion to be alarmed,' continued the undisturbed Cora, 'are you certain that our enemies have not invented some new and ingenious method to strike us with terror, that their conquest may become more easy?'
-- Come, friends: let us to our covers, for no man can tell when or where a Maqua* will strike his blow.'
-- Notwithstanding the swiftness of their flight, one of the Indians had found an opportunity to strike a straggling fawn with an arrow, and had borne the more preferable fragments of the victim, patiently on his shoulders, to the stopping place.
-- In vain did Uncas dart around the cloud, with a wish to strike his knife into the heart of his father's foe; the threatening rifle of Hawkeye was raised and suspended in vain, while Dun-can endeavored to seize the limbs of the Huron with hands that appeared to have lost their power.
-- I thought it could hardly have failed to strike them that there was something incongruous in him.
-- During a strike he had been employed as a house-painter.
-- For a moment I hesitated to strike a light.
-- Your wife doesn't strike me as the sort of woman to bear malice."
-- There was a strike at Marseilles at the time, and Strickland, having come to the end of his resources, had apparently found it impossible to earn the small sum he needed to keep body and soul together.
-- Thus the winds from the northeast would only strike it obliquely, for it was protected by the projection.
-- 'Never mind,' said the boy, nodding his head and rubbing it at the same time; 'you see if ever I offer to strike anybody again because they say you're an uglier dwarf than can be seen anywheres for a penny, that's all.'
-- Did it strike you in that way?'
-- 'It didn't strike him,' returned the other, 'so we needn't discuss it.
-- Having once got him into this mood, and knowing now the key-note to strike whenever he was at a loss, Daniel Quilp's task was comparatively an easy one, and he was soon in possession of the whole details of the scheme contrived between the easy Dick and his more designing friend.
-- 'All I know is,' said Miss Sally, smiling drily, for she delighted in nothing so much as irritating her brother, 'that if every one of your clients is to force us to keep a clerk, whether we want to or not, you had better leave off business, strike yourself off the roll, and get taken in execution, as soon as you can.'
-- And they sometimes give you money, if you strike the right time," the watch- woman started in a singing voice.
-- The other seemingly only waited for this, for with an unexpected, quick movement of one hand she seized Korableva's hair and was about to strike her in the face with the other, when Korableva seized this hand.
-- The warden was about to strike him, but Vasilieff caught hold of his hands and held him fast for about three minutes and then pushed him out of the door.
-- I determined to strike another match and escape under the protection of its glare.
-- Even were there no other lurking danger a danger I did not care to let my imagination loose upon there would still be all the roots to stumble over and the tree-boles to strike against.
-- Once the flames crept forward so swiftly on my right as I ran that I was outflanked and had to strike off to the left.
-- Very calmly I tried to strike the match.
-- He unfastened it as he spoke, and was just going to throw it into the bushes, when a sudden thought seemed to strike him, and he hung it carefully on a tree.