readily是一个雅思常考词汇,这个词的常用解释为ad. 乐意地, 欣然地; 容易地,这个词在很多英文原版小说中怎么应用呢,今天小编就带您了解一下。
-- Then Oak laughed, and Bathsheba smiled (for she never laughed readily now), and their friends turned to go.
-- As a matter of fact, she was as suspicious as a cat; but she was like many other people, who cannot trust their own kin and put themselves at the mercy of the next chance comer--an odd but common phenomenon, whose causes may readily be traced to the depths of the human heart.
-- It was easy, of course, to find out whether Goriot had really been a vermicelli manufacturer; the amount of his fortune was readily discoverable; but the old people, who were most inquisitive as to his concerns, never went beyond the limits of the Quarter, and lived in the lodging-house much as oysters cling to a rock.
-- Surely a clever and high-spirited young man, whose wit and courage were set off to advantage by a graceful figure and the vigorous kind of beauty that readily strikes a woman's imagination, need not despair of finding a protectress.
-- My sister was never left alone now; but Joe more than readily undertook the care of her on that Sunday afternoon, and Biddy and I went out together.
-- He ordered his coach to wait at a distance, and desired I would give him an hours audience; which I readily con-sented to, on account of his quality and personal merits, as well as of the many good offices he had done me during my solicitations at court.
-- They began with many compliments upon my valour and generosity, invited me to that kingdom in the emperor their master's name, and desired me to show them some proofs of my prodigious strength, of which they had heard so many wonders; wherein I readily obliged them, but 59shall not trouble the reader with the particulars.
-- These considerations moved me to hasten my depar-ture somewhat sooner than I intended; to which the court, impatient to have me gone, very readily contributed.
-- I was ordered to speak the few words I understood; and while they were at dinner, the master taught me the names for oats, milk, fire, water, and some others, which I could readily pronounce after him, having from my youth a great facility in learning languages.
-- Miss Gradgrind readily permitting Mrs. Sparsit to do anything she pleased, that considerate lady made the beverage, and handed it to Mr. Bounderby.
-- They, however, readily understood one another.
-- It may readily be conceived, then, that an understanding was soon come to between them.
-- It can readily be believed what an enormous quantity of elastic fluids were piled up within its centre, when at last it afforded no other openings, after the process of cooling the crust had taken place.
-- While he was speaking, my uncle was placing before me several articles of food, which, despite his earnest injunctions, I readily devoured.
-- It will be readily conceived that after an imprisonment of forty-seven days, in a dark and miserable tunnel it was with infinite delight that I breathed this saline air.
-- Whoever had paid him the compliment, he very readily accepted the compliment with his compliments, and there was an end of it.
-- But a public duty!No man, I am sure, would more readily recognise a public duty than yourself.'
-- I make that remark, because it is not to be doubted that my son, being by birth and by ha by education a hum a gentleman, would have readily adapted himself to any obligingly expressed wish on the subject of the fire being equally accessible to the whole of the present circle.
-- Arthur, with less formality, expressed himself gratified by their high appreciation of so very slight an attention on his part; and explained as to the tea that he had not yet dined, and was going straight home to refresh after a long day's labour, or he would have readily accepted the hospitable offer.
-- Three better, more likely sea-officers and men, each in his own different way, could not readily be found, and they were every one of them Americans; a Nantucketer, a Vineyarder, a Cape man.
-- Indeed, his spout is so small that it is not very readily discernible.
-- If any of the following whales, shall hereafter be caught and marked, then he can readily be incorporated into this System, according to his Folio, Octavo, or Duodecimo magnitude: The Bottle-Nose Whale; the Junk Whale; the Pudding-Headed Whale; the Cape Whale; the Leading Whale; the Cannon Whale; the Scragg Whale; the Coppered Whale; the Elephant Whale; the Iceberg Whale; the Quog Whale; the Blue Whale; etc.
-- I twigged it, knew it; had had the gift, might readily have prophesied it for when I clapped my eye upon his skull I saw it.
-- Now, as a vessel of war readily passes through the Dardanelles, hence a sperm whale could, by the same route, pass out of the Mediterranean into the Propontis.