tray是一个雅思常考词汇,这个词的常用解释为n. 盘, 碟, 托盘,这个词在很多英文原版小说中怎么应用呢,今天小编就带您了解一下。
-- The first was the best room, and in it were Lucie's birds, and flowers, and books, and desk, and work-table, and box of water-colours; the second was the Doctor's consulting-room, used also as the dining-room; the third, changingly speckled by the rus-tle of the plane-tree in the yard, was the Doctor's bedroom, and there, in a corner, stood the disused shoemaker's bench and tray of tools, much as it had stood on the fifth floor of the dismal house by the wine-shop, in the suburb of Saint Antoine in Paris.
-- He slept heavily, and his tray of shoemaking tools, and his old unfinished work, were all as usual.
-- Before him stood the orderly with a tray of brandy and salted cucumbers.
-- The tray was kept from tumbling down, by abible; and the tray, if it had tumbled down, would have smashed aquantity of cups and saucers and a teapot that were groupedaround the book.
-- My aunt, 193without appearing to take much heed of me, put on a coarse apronwith a bib, which she took out of the press; washed up the teacupswith her own hands; and, when everything was washed and set inthe tray again, and the cloth folded and put on the top of thewhole, rang for Janet to remove it.
-- When the evening was pretty far spent, and a tray of glasses anddecanters came in, Steerforth promised, over the fire, that he wouldseriously think of going down into the country with me.
-- In her large black hands was a tray upon which food smoked,two large yams covered with butter, a pile of buckwheat cakes dripping syrup, and a large slice of ham swimming ingravy.
-- Mammy set the tray on the table and squared herself, hands on hips.
-- "Yas'm, you is!Ah ain' figgerin' on havin' happen whut happen at dat las' barbecue w'en Ah wuz too sick frumdem chittlins Ah et ter fetch you no tray befo' you went.
-- I'm not forgetting the time I ate a whole tray and went to the Calverts' and they had ice cream outof ice they'd brought all the way from Savannah, and I couldn't eat but a spoonful.
-- Seeing the obdurate look on Scarlett's face, Mammy picked up the tray and, with the bland guile of her race,changed her tactics.
-- This was the time for Wemmick to produce a little kettle, a tray of glasses, and a black bottle with a porcelain-topped cork, representing some clerical dignitary of a rubicund and social aspect.
-- There was a tray ready on a side-table.
-- she said, putting down the few flow-ers and taking up the tea-caddy, as she stood before the tray in her hat and scarf.
-- By and by came the smell of bacon, and at length he came upstairs with a huge black tray that would only just go through the door.
-- He set the tray on the bed, and poured out the tea.
-- Silent, he put his plate on the tray and went downstairs.
-- Upon this, the old woman cleared the little table, went out of the room, and quickly returned with a tray on which was a dish of little rusks and a small precise pat of butter, cool, symmetrical, white, and plump.
-- The old man who had been standing by the door in one attitude during the whole interview, looking at the mother up-stairs as he had looked at the son down-stairs, went out at the same time, and, after a longer absence, returned with another tray on which was the greater part of a bottle of port wine (which, to judge by his panting, he had brought from the cellar), a lemon, a sugar-basin, and a spice box.
-- They looked tempting; eight in number, circularly set out on a white plate on a tray covered with a white napkin, flanked by a slice of buttered French roll, and a little compact glass of cool wine and water; but she resisted all persuasions, and sent them down again placing the act to her credit, no doubt, in her Eternal Day-Book.
-- She walked up into Miss Flora's sitting-room, as in duty bound, and there found a breakfast-table comfortably laid for two, with a supplementary tray upon it laid for one.
-- 'Then take your tea at once I beg,' said Flora, 'and this wing of fowl and bit of ham, don't mind me or wait for me, because I always carry in this tray myself to Mr F.'s Aunt who breakfasts in bed and a charming old lady too and very clever, Portrait of Mr F. behind the door and very like though too much forehead and as to a pillar with a marble pavement and balustrades and a mountain, I never saw him near it nor not likely in the wine trade, excellent man but not at all in that way.'
-- So a tray was fitted out before anyone began, and taken up with the cook's compliments.
-- She upset the tray of needles, forgot the silesia was to be 'twilled' till it was cut off, gave the wrong change, and covered herself with confusion by asking for lavender ribbon at the calico counter.