anger是一个雅思常考词汇,这个词的常用解释为n. 愤怒, 气愤vt. 使发怒, 激怒vi. 发怒,这个词在很多英文原版小说中怎么应用呢,今天小编就带您了解一下。
-- He then yelped in a peculiar way, which showed at once anger and uneasiness.
-- 'And she has a right to do as she likes, I hope, Quilp,' said the old lady trembling, partly with anger and partly with a secret fear of her impish son-in-law.
-- The genuine and only Jarley exposed to public scorn, jeered by children, and flouted by beadles!The delight of the Nobility and Gentry shorn of a bonnet which a Lady Mayoress might have sighed to wear, and arrayed in a white sheet as a spectacle of mortification and humility!And Miss Monflathers, the audacious creature who presumed, even in the dimmest and remotest distance of her imagination, to conjure up the degrading picture, 'I am a'most inclined,' said Mrs Jarley, bursting with the fulness of her anger and the weakness of her means of revenge, 'to turn atheist when I think of it!'
-- exclaimed the poor woman, 'I that never knew you tell a lie, or do a bad action from your cradle that have never had a moment's sorrow on your account, except it was the poor meals that you have taken with such good humour and content, that I forgot how little there was, when I thought how kind and thoughtful you were, though you were but a child! I believe it of the son that's been a comfort to me from the hour of his birth until this time, and that I never laid down one night in anger with!I believe it of you Kit! ''Why then, thank God!'
-- The same expression of weariness and anger he saw in the dusty faces of the truck drivers; on the swollen and tattered men, women and children who stood begging on the street corners.
-- I have a memory of horrible fatigue, as the long night of despair wore away; of looking in this impossible place and that; of groping among moonlit ruins and touching strange creatures in the black shadows; at last, of lying on the ground near the sphinx and weeping with absolute wretchedness, even anger at the folly of leaving the machine having leaked away with my strength.
-- It was a foolish impulse, but the devil begotten of fear and blind anger was ill curbed and still eager to take advantage of my perplexity.
-- For in these fits he was the most overriding companion ever known; he would slap his hand on the table for silence all round; he would fly up in a passion of anger at a question, or sometimes because none was put, and so he judged the company was not following his story.
-- Squalling was the word for it; Pew's anger rose so high at these objections till at last, his passion completely taking the upper hand, he struck at them right and left in his blindness and his stick sounded heavily on more than one.
-- A stubborn anger seized the crew; the sailors abused the monster, who, as before, disdained to answer them; the captain no longer contented himself with twisting his beard he gnawed it.
-- A flash of anger and disdain kindled in the eyes of the Unknown, and I had a glimpse of a terrible past in the life of this man.
-- But his anger was turned by the sight of a whale which the Nautilus had just come up with.
-- A sudden fierce anger swept over the girl, violent and murderous.
-- But a bitterer red anger burned up to fury in him.
-- A spasm of anger and chagrin went over Ursula.
-- There was a clang of mistrust and almost anger in his voice.
-- His face was covered with inarticulate anger and humiliation and sense of inferiority in strength.