expense是一个雅思常考词汇,这个词的常用解释为n. 花费, 消费, 消耗,这个词在很多英文原版小说中怎么应用呢,今天小编就带您了解一下。
-- Perhaps the thought of the gas, which was remorselessly burning at his expense in Saville Row, had something to do with his hot impatience.
-- To travel at this man's expense and live upon his provisions was not palatable to him.
-- If the latter had been warned, he would no doubt have given Fix proof of his innocence, and satisfied him of his mistake; at least, Fix would not have continued his journey at the expense and on the heels of his master, only to arrest him the moment he set foot on English soil.
-- So great had been the expense of his tour that, even had he won, it would not have enriched him; and it is probable that he had not sought to enrich himself, being a man who rather laid wagers for honour's sake than for the stake proposed.
-- In novels, these truth-seekers quested the "secret of life" in laboratories which did not seem to be provided with Bunsen flames or reagents; or they went, at great expense and much discomfort from hot trains and undesirable snakes, to Himalayan monasteries, to learn from unaseptic sages that the Mind can do all sorts of edifying things if one will but spend thirty or forty years in eating rice and gazing on one's navel.
-- I would send you more, but I am uneasy about our travelling expenses; for though Pyotr Petrovitch has been so kind as to under-take part of the expenses of the journey, that is to say, he has taken upon himself the conveyance of our bags and big trunk (which will be conveyed through some acquaintanc-es of his), we must reckon upon some expense on our arrival in Petersburg, where we can't be left without a halfpenny, 60 Crime and Punishmentat least for the first few days.
-- In spite of her continu-al anxiety that the dishes should be passed round correctly and that everyone should taste them, in spite of the agonis-ing cough which interrupted her every minute and seemed to have grown worse during the last few days, she hastened to pour out in a half whisper to Raskolnikov all her sup-pressed feelings and her just indignation at the failure of the dinner, interspersing her remarks with lively and un-controllable laughter at the expense of her visitors and especially of her landlady.
-- Happily, too, the greater part of the boys came back low-spirited, and were not so boisterous at my expense as I hadexpected.
-- I have known him comehome to supper with a flood of tears, and a declaration thatnothing was now left but a jail; and go to bed making a calculationof the expense of putting bow-windows to the house, 'in caseanything turned up,' which was his favourite expression.
-- But at an expense ofthreepence I soon refreshed myself completely; and, being in betterspirits then, limped seven miles upon my road.
-- I said, what would be the expense of this youngfemale, and Mrs. Crupp said she supposed eighteen-pence wouldneither make me nor break me.
-- I had reason to believe that in accomplishing these failures weincurred a far greater expense than if we had achieved a series oftriumphs.
-- From the expense of the child, however, he was soon relieved.
-- He paused and growing cooler in a moment, added, with only sarcastic dryness, 'If Mr. Perry can tell me how to convey a wife and five children a distance of an hundred and thirty miles with no greater expense or incon-venience than a distance of forty, I should be as willing to prefer Cromer to South End as he could himself.'
-- The expense shall not be thought of; and though he is so liberal, and so fond of Jane that I dare say he would not mean to charge any thing for attendance, we could not suffer it to be so, you know.
-- She could have made an inquiry or two, as to the ex-pedition and the expense of the Irish mails; it was at her tongue's end but she abstained.
-- Footsteps were heard in the passage, combining in their character the qualities both of weight and measure, rather at the expense of velocity.
-- That Bathsheba could not endure this man was evident; in fact, he was continually coming to her with some tale or other, by which he might creep into favour at the expense of persons maligned.
-- I am determined that neither expense nor trouble shall be spared."
-- Do we not, one and all, like to feel our strength even at the expense of some one or of something?
-- Veuve Vauquer availed herself of the services of M. Goriot's coiffeur, and went to some expense over her toilette, expense justifiable on the ground that she owed it to herself and her establishment to pay some attention to appearances when such highly-respectable persons honored her house with their presence.
-- Vauquer saw to her table, lighted a fire daily in the sitting-room for nearly six months, and kept the promise of her prospectus, even going to some expense to do so.
-- The old man scarcely seemed to hear the witticisms at his expense that followed on the words; he had relapsed into the dreamy state of mind that these superficial observers took for senile torpor, due to his lack of intelligence.
-- "Well," said Joe, "to tell you the truth, I ain't much in the habit of drinking at anybody's expense but my own."