
发布时间:2021-12-28 13:00:49


sixth是一个雅思常考词汇,这个词的常用解释为num. 第六; 六分之一,这个词在很多英文原版小说中怎么应用呢,今天小编就带您了解一下。



-- And it was now, about little Lucie's sixth birthday, that they began to have an awful sound, as of a great storm in France with a dreadful sea rising.



-- Chapter 27 The sixth day was fixed for the election of the marshal of the province.

-- The big house with the old family furniture; the rather dirty, far from stylish, but respectful footmen, unmistakably old house serfs who had stuck to their master; the stout, good-natured wife in a cap with lace and a Turkish shawl, petting her pretty grandchild, her daughter's daughter; the young son, a sixth form high school boy, coming home from school, and greeting his father, kissing his big hand; the genuine, cordial words and gestures of the old man--all this had the day before roused an instinctive feeling of respect and sympathy in Levin.

-- But on the sixth day, when the coachman came back without him, she felt that now she was utterly incapable of stifling the thought of him and of what he was doing there, just at that time her little girl was taken ill. Anna began to look after her, but even that did not distract her mind, especially as the illness was not serious.



-- You must have a scent for them, and a scent is like a sixth sense which combines hearing, seeing, and smelling.



-- 'I was in the sixth class at the gymnasium,' said Zametov with some dignity.

-- 'Sixth class!Ah, my cock-sparrow!With your parting and your rings you are a gentleman of fortune.



-- When I came, at last, upon thebare, wide downs near Dover, it relieved the solitary aspect of thescene with hope; and not until I reached that first great aim of myjourney, and actually set foot in the town itself, on the sixth day ofmy flight, did it desert me.



-- It had been the sixth flash which had come from the east behind him, and the two dark forms on the slope had been the shadows of himself and Bathsheba.



-- Morning, dismal and wet, at length dawned and discov-ered to my sleepless and aching eyes the church of Ingolstadt, its white steeple and clock, which indicated the sixth hour.



-- One sprang under the table, the second into the bed, the third into the stove, the fourth into the kitchen, the fifth into the cupboard, the sixth under the washing-bowl, and the seventh into the clock-case.

-- The sixth was not straight enough; so she said he was like a green stick, that had been laid to dry over a baker's oven.



-- When I had put an end to these long discources, his maj-esty, in a sixth audience, consulting his notes, proposed many doubts, queries, and objections, upon every article.



-- During the whole of two days, the sixth and seventh of July, we followed the extraordinary spiral staircase of the fissure, penetrating two leagues farther into the crust of the earth, which put us five leagues below the level of the sea.



-- The sixth day of the appointed week was a moist, hot, misty day.



-- In the sixth Christian century lived Procopius, a Christian magistrate of Constantinople, in the days when Justinian was Emperor and Belisarius general.



-- Then the two third he danced with Miss King, and the two fourth with Maria Lucas, and the two fifth with Jane again, and the two sixth with Lizzy, and the BOULANGER ' 'If he had had any compassion for ME,' cried her hus-band impatiently, 'he would not have danced half so much!



-- The sixth day of our being at sea we came into Yarmouth Roads; the wind having been contrary and the weather calm, we had made but little way since the storm.

-- It was the 6th of November, in the sixth year of my reign - or my captivity, which you please - that I set out on this voyage, and I found it much longer than I expected; for though the island itself was not very large, yet when I came to the east side of it, I found a great ledge of rocks lie out about two leagues into the sea, some above water, some under it; and beyond that a shoal of sand, lying dry half a league more, so that I was obliged to go a great way out to sea to double the point.



-- They crossed to a far corner and took an elevator to the sixth floor.

-- It so happened that on the night when Hurstwood, Carrie, and Drouet were in the box at McVickar's, George, Jr., was in the sixth row of the parquet with the daughter of H. B. Carmichael, the third partner of a wholesale dry-goods house of that city.

-- "There are lots of nice little flats down around Sixth Avenue, below Fourteenth Street.

-- The new flat was located in Thirteenth Street, a half block west of Sixth Avenue, and contained only four rooms.

-- Hurstwood was just strolling up the street, from the flat, toward Sixth Avenue.



