
发布时间:2021-12-28 13:00:48


novel是一个雅思常考词汇,这个词的常用解释为a. 新奇的; n. 小说,这个词在很多英文原版小说中怎么应用呢,今天小编就带您了解一下。



-- The Indian had not made his capture for the mere pleasure and glory of such a novel chase.

-- A grassy carpet at the foot of the trees, and a canopy of verdure above, long perspectives of bold colors, little shade, little freshness at all, a peculiar light, as if the rays came through a thin veil, dappled lights and shades sharply reflected on the ground, made up a whole, and constituted a peculiar spectacle rich in novel effects.



-- At that time Du-mas-fils' beautiful work, La Dame aux Camelias a novel which I consider imperishable had just come into fashion.

-- To fill a novel with typi-cal characters only, or with merely strange and uncommon people, would render the book unreal and improbable, and would very likely destroy the interest.



-- said Mr. Marvel, looking nervously about him, trying to count the money in his pockets by his unaided sense of touch, and full of a strange and novel idea.



-- The clamor of many voices soon announced that a party approached, who might be expected to communicate some intelligence that would explain the mystery of the novel surprise.



-- These gallant words which seem so novel to those that speak them were said in accents scarcely changed a hundred times before.

-- He must have acquired experiences which would form abundant material for a picaresque novel of modern Paris, but he remained aloof, and judging from his conversation there was nothing in those years that had made a particular impression on him.



-- In a word, the single gentleman was bursting out of the office, bent upon laying violent hands on Kit's mother, forcing her into a post-chaise, and carrying her off, when this novel kind of abduction was with some difficulty prevented by the joint efforts of Mr Abel and the Notary, who restrained him by dint of their remonstrances, and persuaded him to sound Kit upon the probability of her being able and willing to undertake such a journey on so short a notice.

-- The small servant, who was not so well acquainted with theatrical conventionalities as Mr Swiveller (having indeed never seen a play, or heard one spoken of, except by chance through chinks of doors and in other forbidden places), was rather alarmed by demonstrations so novel in their nature, and showed her concern so plainly in her looks, that Mr Swiveller felt it necessary to discharge his brigand manner for one more suitable to private life, as he asked,'Do they often go where glory waits 'em, and leave you here?'

-- Sampson Brass, who was, by this time, anything but sober, being compelled to take further draughts of the same strong bowl, found that, instead of at all contributing to his recovery, they had the novel effect of making the counting-house spin round and round with extreme velocity, and causing the floor and ceiling to heave in a very distressing manner.



-- He then picked out the first of a dozen scarfs and pins that came into his hand--it was no more novel and amusing, as it used to be--and he was quite indifferent as to which he put on.



-- That from the father mentioned that most unexpectedly finding himself in the novel position of having been disappointed of a remittance from the City on which he had confidently counted, he took up his pen, being restrained by the unhappy circumstance of his incarceration during three-and-twenty years (doubly underlined), from coming himself, as he would otherwise certainly have done took up his pen to entreat Mr Clennam to advance him the sum of Three Pounds Ten Shillings upon his I.O.U., which he begged to enclose.

-- Several projectors, likewise, availed themselves of the same opportunity to correspond with Mr Meagles; as, for example, to apprise him that their attention having been called to the advertisement by a friend, they begged to state that if they should ever hear anything of the young person, they would not fail to make it known to him immediately, and that in the meantime if he would oblige them with the funds necessary for bringing to perfection a certain entirely novel description of Pump, the happiest results would ensue to mankind.

-- Passing over the absence from the firmament of this novel constellation, Arthur inquired of Mrs Tickit if she herself went beyond the gate?



-- She was tired of care and confinement, longed for change, and thoughts of her father blended temptingly with the novel charms of camps and hospitals, liberty and fun.

-- He was grave and pale now, and looked decidedly more like the novel heroes whom she ad-mired, but he neither slapped his forehead nor tramped about the room as they did.

-- Every few weeks she would shut herself up in her room, put on her scribbling suit, and 'fall into a vortex', as she ex-pressed it, writing away at her novel with all her heart and soul, for till that was finished she could find no peace.

-- Having copied her novel for the fourth time, read it to all her confidential friends, and submitted it with fear and trembling to three publish-ers, she at last disposed of it, on condition that she would cut it down one third, and omit all the parts which she par-ticularly admired.

-- You'll spoil it if you do, for the interest of the story is more in the minds than in the actions of the people, and it will be all a muddle if you don't explain as you go on,' said Meg, who firmly believed that this book was the most remarkable novel ever written.



-- What a novel illustration of the tender laws of England!They let the paupers go to sleep!



-- "I wish," said Margaret, striking out a novel thought, "that somebody would give us all a large fortune apiece!"



-- The following morning the train pulled safely into Montreal and they stepped down, Hurstwood glad to be out of danger, Carrie wondering at the novel atmosphere of the northern city.

-- It dwelt in her mind and occupied her consciousness during many long afternoons in which her rocking- chair and her latest novel contributed the only pleasures of her state.




