thirty是一个雅思常考词汇,这个词的常用解释为num. 三十, 三十个(人或物),这个词在很多英文原版小说中怎么应用呢,今天小编就带您了解一下。
-- Upon this, the parish authorities magnanimously and humanely resolved, that Oliver should be 'farmed,' or, in other words, that he should be dispatched to a branch-workhouse some three miles off, where twenty or thirty other juvenile offenders against the poor-laws, rolled about the floor all day, without the inconvenience of too much food or too much clothing, under the parental superintendence of an elderly female, who received the culprits at and for the consideration of sevenpence-halfpenny per small head per week.
-- And seeing, by the bye, that Brittles had been a slow boy for upwards of thirty years, there appeared no great probability of his ever being a fast one.
-- Mr. Wickham's chief object was unquestionably my sister's fortune, which is thirty thousand pounds; but I cannot help supposing that the hope of revenging himself on me was a strong inducement.
-- The darling wish of his sisters was then gratified; he bought an estate in a neighbouring county to Derbyshire, and Jane and Elizabeth, in addition to every other source of happiness, were within thirty miles of each other.
-- The wave that came upon me again buried me at once twenty or thirty feet deep in its own body, and I could feel myself carried with a mighty force and swiftness towards the shore - a very great way; but I held my breath, and as-sisted myself to swim still forward with all my might.
-- Besides this barley, there were, as above, twenty or thirty stalks of rice, which I preserved with the same care and for the same use, or to the same purpose - to make me bread, or rather food; for I found ways to cook it without baking, though I did that also after some time.
-- I have mentioned that I had saved the few ears of bar-ley and rice, which I had so surprisingly found spring up, as I thought, of themselves, and I believe there were about thirty stalks of rice, and about twenty of barley; and now I thought it a proper time to sow it, after the rains, the sun being in its southern position, going from me.
-- It would take up a larger volume than this whole work is intended to be to set down all the contrivanc-es I hatched, or rather brooded upon, in my thoughts, for the destroying these creatures, or at least frightening them so as to prevent their coming hither any more: but all this was abortive; nothing could be possible to take effect, un-less I was to be there to do it myself: and what could one man do among them, when perhaps there might be twenty or thirty of them together with their darts, or their bows and arrows, with which they could shoot as true to a mark as I could with my gun?
-- I went so far with it in my imagination that I employed myself several days to find out proper places to put myself in ambuscade, as I said, to watch for them, and I went frequently to the place itself, which was now grown more familiar to me; but while my mind was thus filled with thoughts of revenge and a bloody putting twenty or thirty of them to the sword, as I may call it, the horror I had at the place, and at the signals of the barbarous wretches devouring one another, abetted my malice.
-- His pleasure in music, though it amounted not to that ecstatic delight which alone could sympathize with her own, was estimable when contrasted against the horrible insensibility of the others; and she was reasonable enough to allow that a man of five and thirty might well have outlived all acuteness of feeling and every exquisite power of enjoyment.
-- She saw it with concern; for what could a silent man of five and thirty hope, when opposed to a very lively one of five and twenty?
-- Yes, Marianne, even in a man between thirty and forty.
-- They were soon within thirty yards of the gentleman.
-- Miss Morton, only daughter of the late Lord Morton, with thirty thousand pounds.
-- For his escapades he was soon poorer in mind and body, to say nothing of his purse, which had lost thirty by the process.
-- At the same time, Carrie passed through thirty days of mental distress.
-- He gave her a silent part at thirty dollars a week.
-- Your contract here only calls for thirty dollars a week for the next three months.
-- Space and a lack of culinary room in the mission-house, compelled an arrangement which permitted of only twenty-five or thirty eating at one time, so that a line had to be formed outside and an orderly entrance effected.
-- Then I told her my father and mother was dead, and the law had bound me out to a mean old farmer in the country thirty mile back from the river, and he treated me so bad I couldn't stand it no lon-ger; he went away to be gone a couple of days, and so I took my chance and stole some of his daughter's old clothes and cleared out, and I had been three nights coming the thirty miles.
-- In St. Petersburg they used to say there was twenty or thirty thousand people in St. Louis, but I never believed it till I see that wonderful spread of lights at two o'clock that still night.
-- She had four long sweeps at each end, so we judged she carried as many as thirty men, likely.
-- The candle was on the floor, and there they all was, look- ing at me, and me at them, for about a quarter of a minute: Three big men with guns pointed at me, which made me wince, I tell you; the oldest, gray and about sixty, the oth- er two thirty or more all of them fine and handsome and the sweetest old gray-headed lady, and back of her two young women which I couldn't see right well.
-- 'Well, I should RECKON!It started thirty year ago, or som'ers along there.