pasture是一个雅思常考词汇,这个词的常用解释为n. /v. 牧场, 放牧,这个词在很多英文原版小说中怎么应用呢,今天小编就带您了解一下。
-- This was evident by the fertility and abundance of the pasture and its dark color.
-- All these had been bought in the Blue Mountains in a poor, lean condition, and were going to be fatted up on the rich pasture lands of Southern Australia, and sold again at a great profit.
-- Rolling pasture lands curved upward on either side of us, and old gabled houses peeped out from amid the thick green foliage, but behind the peaceful and sunlit country-side there rose ever, dark against the evening sky, the long, gloomy curve of the moor, broken by the jagged and sinister hills.
-- There is a city in the heart of Argos, pasture land of horses, called Ephyra, where Sisyphus lived, who was the craftiest of all mankind.
-- The two then made towards him to strip him of his armour, but Hector called on all his brothers for help, and he espe-cially upbraided brave Melanippus son of Hiketaon, who erewhile used to pasture his herds of cattle in Percote before the war broke out; but when the ships of the Danaans came, he went back to Ilius, where he was eminent among the Tro-jans, and lived near Priam who treated him as one of his own sons.
-- The god wrought also a pasture in a fair mountain dell, and a large flock of sheep, with a homestead and huts, and sheltered sheepfolds.
-- Some, to the fountain; some, to the fields; men and women here, to dig and delve; men and women there, to see to the poor live stock, and lead the bony cows out, to such pasture as could be found by the roadside.
-- The further he rode, the happier he became, and plans for the land rose to his mind each better than the last; to plant all his fields with hedges along the southern borders, so that the snow should not lie under them; to divide them up into six fields of arable and three of pasture and hay; to build a cattle yard at the further end of the estate, and to dig a pond and to construct movable pens for the cattle as a means of manuring the land.
-- He was atop a pole and suddenly, for no clear cause, his eyes opened and he saw; as though he had just awakened he saw that the prairie was vast, that the sun was kindly on rough pasture and ripening wheat, on the old horses, the easy, broad-beamed, friendly horses, and on his red-faced jocose companions; he saw that the meadow larks were jubilant, and blackbirds shining by little pools, and with the living sun all life was living.
-- They charged on the village, drove out the healthy, carried the sick on litters, settled them all in tents in a pasture up the valley, and after midnight they burned the town.
-- The soil was barren, scarcely affording pasture for a few miserable cows, and oatmeal for its inhabitants, which consisted of five persons, whose gaunt and scraggy limbs gave tokens of their miserable fare.
-- "We can go through Mr. O'Hara's river bottom andthe Fontaine's pasture and get there in no time."
-- They did not like the dark shade of the thickets hedging the pasture creek, and they twitched theirears at Scarlett as if appreciative of human companionship.
-- But even as she strained her eyes down the darkeningroad, she heard a pounding of hooves at the bottom of the pasture hill and saw the horses and cows scatter in fright.
-- It was built by slave labor, a clumsy sprawling building that crowned the rise of ground overlooking the greenincline of pasture land running down to the river; and it pleased Gerald greatly, for, even when new, it wore a look ofmellowed years.
-- Yourmother agreed, providing he was able to jump the pasture fence, for, she said, there would be a lot of rough riding tobe done in the army.
-- Had these Leviathans been but a flock of simple sheep, pursued over the pasture by three fierce wolves, they could not possibly have evinced such excessive dismay.
-- And there seems no reason to doubt that if these elephants, which have now been hunted for thousands of years, by Semiramis, by Porus, by Hannibal, and by all the successive monarchs of the East if they still survive there in great numbers, much more may the great whale outlast all hunting, since he has a pasture to expatiate in, which is precisely twice as large as all Asia, both Americas, Europe and Africa, New Holland, and all the Isles of the sea combined.