grove是一个雅思常考词汇,这个词的常用解释为n. 林子, 小树林, 园林,这个词在很多英文原版小说中怎么应用呢,今天小编就带您了解一下。
-- Across the streets, at wide intervals, one clumsy lamp was slung by a rope and pulley; at night, when the lamplighter had let these down, and lighted, and hoisted them again, a feeble grove of dim wicks swung in a sickly manner overhead, as if they were at sea.
-- And so, under a short grove of feebler and feebler over-swinging lamps, out under the great grove of stars.
-- Chapter 18 Dr. Woestijne of Vanderheide's Grove acted in spare time as Superintendent of Health for Crynssen County, but the office was not well paid and it did not greatly interest him.
-- Not till then did Martin completely realize that he was leaving Wheatsylvania--the tedium of Bert Tozer's nagging--the spying of Pete Yeska and the Norbloms--the inevitability of turning, as so many unchanging times he had turned, south from the Leopolis road at the Two Mile Grove and following again that weary, flat, unbending trail--the superiority of Dr. Hesselink and the malice of Dr. Coughlin--the round which left him no time for his dusty laboratory--leaving it all for the achievement and splendor of the great city of Nautilus.
-- IV Dr. Pickerbaugh owned a small log cabin in a scanty grove of oaks among the hillocks north of Nautilus.
-- Even more than Clay Tredgold was he a leader of the Ashford Grove aristocracy, but, while he stood like an invading barbarian in the blue and silver room, Schlemihl was cordial: "Glad meet yuh, Doctor.
-- IV There was in Nautilus a country club which was the axis of what they called Society, but there was also a tribe of perhaps twelve families in the Ashford Grove section who, though they went to the country club for golf, condescended to other golfers, kept to themselves, and considered themselves as belonging more to Chicago than to Nautilus.
-- Having obtained from this clerk a direction tothe academic grove in question, I set out, the same afternoon, tovisit my old schoolfellow.
-- 'Very like Maple Grove indeed! She was quite struck by the likeness! That room was the very shape and size of the morning-room at Maple Grove; her sister's fa-vourite room.
-- The laurels at Maple Grove are in the same profusion as here, and stand very much in the same way just across the lawn; and I had a glimpse of a fine large tree, with a bench round it, which put me so exactly in mind!My brother and sister will be enchanted with this place.
-- It is a necessary of life to me; and having always been used to a very musical society, both at Maple Grove and in Bath, it would have been a most serious sacrifice.
-- Maple Grove will probably be my model more than it ought to be for we do not at all affect to equal my brother, Mr. Suckling, in income. However, my resolution is taken as to noticing Jane Fairfax. I shall certainly have her very often at my house, shall introduce her wherever I can, shall have musi-cal parties to draw out her talents, and shall be constantly on the watch for an eligible situation.
-- Her Bath habits made evening-parties perfectly natural to her, and Maple Grove had given her a taste for dinners.
-- Then, last summer at a political speaking in a grove of oak trees at Jonesboro, they both suddenly became awareof Scarlett O'Hara.
-- Marry one of the twins and then the plantations will run together andJim Tarleton and I will build you a fine house, right where they join, in that big pine grove and " "Will you stop treating me like a child!"
-- Scarlettknew that the fragrance carried on the faint breeze came from the grove of great oaks in the rear of the big house.
-- Conversationwas dying out when, in the lull, everyone in the grove heard Gerald's voice raised in furious accents.
-- In the rays of the late afternoon sun, every well-remembered field and forest grove wasgreen and still, with an unearthly quiet that struck terror to Scarlett's heart.
-- The Finches spent their money foolishly (the Hotel we dined at was in Covent Garden), and the first Finch I saw when I had the honor of joining the Grove was Bentley Drummle, at that time floundering about town in a cab of his own, and doing a great deal of damage to the posts at the street corners.
-- Occasionally, he shot himself out of his equipage headforemost over the apron; and I saw him on one occasion deliver himself at the door of the Grove in this unintentional way--like coals.
-- On a certain occasion when the Finches were assembled in force, and when good feeling was being promoted in the usual manner by nobody's agreeing with anybody else, the presiding Finch called the Grove to order, forasmuch as Mr. Drummle had not yet toasted a lady; which, according to the solemn constitution of the society, it was the brute's turn to do that day.
-- However, it was decided at last (the Grove being a Court of Honor) that if Mr. Drummle would bring never so slight a certificate from the lady, importing that he had the honor of her acquaintance, Mr. Pip must express his regret, as a gentleman and a Finch, for "having been betrayed into a warmth which."
-- Drummle and I then sat snorting at one another for an hour, while the Grove engaged in indiscriminate contradiction, and finally the promotion of good feeling was declared to have gone ahead at an amazing rate.
-- Then down they all went, and at the bottom they found themselves in a most delightful grove of trees; and the leaves were all of silver, and glittered and sparkled beautifully.