
发布时间:2021-12-28 13:00:47


morning是一个雅思常考词汇,这个词的常用解释为n. 早晨, 上午,这个词在很多英文原版小说中怎么应用呢,今天小编就带您了解一下。



-- He lay and resolved to curse them all in the morning and go off with Leora, but with the coming of the three- o'clock depression he perceived that with him she would probably starve, that he was disgraced, that it was not at all certain he would not become a drunkard.

-- The crew of the six o'clock morning interurban became used to a pale, quick-moving young man who sat hunched in a back seat, devouring large red books, absently gnawing a rather dreadful doughnut.



-- We have three little children and Katerina Ivanovna is at work from morning till night; she is scrubbing and cleaning and washing the children, for she's been used to cleanliness from a child.

-- The first morning I came back from the office I found Katerina Ivanovna had cooked two courses for dinner soup and salt meat with horse radish which we had never dreamed of till then.

-- But a minute later his face suddenly changed and with a certain assumed slyness and affectation of bra-vado, he glanced at Raskolnikov, laughed and said: 'This morning I went to see Sonia, I went to ask her for a pick-me-up!He-he-he!'

-- The same morning without any delay, she went round to all the houses in the town and ev-erywhere, shedding tears, she asserted in the most flattering terms Dounia's innocence and the nobility of her feelings and her behavior.

-- Dounia did not sleep all night before she made up her mind, and, thinking that I was asleep, she got out of bed and was walking up and down the room all night; at last she knelt down before the ikon and prayed long and fervently and in the morning she told me that she had decided.



-- One autumn morning I was with my mother in the front garden,when Mr. Murdstone- I knew him by that name now- came by, onhorseback.

-- Wewere to go in a carrier's cart, which departed in the morning afterbreakfast.

-- There has been a time since- Ido not say it lasted long, but it has been- when I have asked myselfthe question, would it have been better for little Em'ly to have hadthe waters close above her head that morning in my sight; andwhen I have answered Yes, it would have been.

-- I discovered this, by his being out on the second orthird evening of our visit, and by Mrs. Gummidge's looking up atthe Dutch clock, between eight and nine, and saying he was there,and that, what was more, she had known in the morning he wouldgo there.

-- On the very first morning after her arrival she was up and ringingher bell at cock-crow.



-- For a few days, every morning visit in Highbury included some mention of the handsome letter Mrs. Weston had received.

-- It was made a great favour of; and altogether it was more than I could bear; and so I never would finish it, to have it apologised over as an unfavourable likeness, to ev-ery morning visitor in Brunswick Square; and, as I said, I did then forswear ever drawing any body again.

-- She was obliged to go the next morning for an hour or two to Mrs. Goddard's, but it was then to be settled that she should return to Hartfield, to make a regular visit of some days.

-- 'Good morning to you,' said he, rising and walking off abruptly.

-- Either in the morning or evening of every day, excepting one, have we seen either Mr. Weston or Mrs. Weston, and generally both, either at Randalls or here and as you may suppose, Isabella, most frequently here.



-- The field he was in this morning sloped to a ridge called Norcombe Hill.

-- Love, being an extremely exacting usurer (a sense of exorbitant profit, spiritually, by an exchange of hearts, being at the bottom of pure passions, as that of exorbitant profit, bodily or materially, is at the bottom of those of lower atmosphere), every morning Oak's feelings were as sensitive as the money-market in calculations upon his chances.

-- By the outer margin of the Pit was an oval pond, and over it hung the attenuated skeleton of a chrome-yellow moon which had only a few days to last the morning star dogging her on the left hand.

-- In the morning a regiment of cavalry had left the town, and a sergeant and his party had been beating up for recruits through the four streets.

-- I had to stand and look ba'dy people in the face from morning till night; but 'twas no use I was just as bad as ever after all.



-- Vauquer's cat appears, announcing the near approach of his mistress, and jumps upon the sideboards to sniff at the milk in the bowls, each protected by a plate, while he purrs his morning greeting to the world.

-- Her face is as fresh as a frosty morning in autumn; there are wrinkles about the eyes that vary in their expression from the set smile of a ballet-dancer to the dark, suspicious scowl of a discounter of bills; in short, she is at once the embodiment and interpretation of her lodging-house, as surely as her lodging-house implies the existence of its mistress.











