ditch是一个雅思常考词汇,这个词的常用解释为n. 排水沟, 沟渠 v. 坠入沟中, 抛弃,这个词在很多英文原版小说中怎么应用呢,今天小编就带您了解一下。
-- He ran a ditch of dark metal all round it, and fenced it with a fence of tin; there was only one path to it, and by this the vintagers went when they would gather the vintage.
-- Mr. Thomas Marvel was sitting with his feet in a ditch by the roadside over the down towards Adderdean, about a mile and a half out of Iping.
-- This dock, as I call it, was really a mere ditch just long enough at this phase of the tide to take the longboat.
-- On this course nine obstacles had been arranged: the stream, a big and solid barrier five feet high, just before the pavilion, a dry ditch, a ditch full of water, a precipitous slope, an Irish barricade (one of the most difficult obstacles, consisting of a mound fenced with brushwood, beyond which was a ditch out of sight for the horses, so that the horse had to clear both obstacles or might be killed); then two more ditches filled with water, and one dry one; and the end of the race was just facing the pavilion.
-- She flew over the ditch as though not noticing it.
-- Two of the sweeping bastions appeared to rest on the water which washed their bases, while a deep ditch and extensive mo-rasses guarded its other sides and angles.
-- Come,' he continued, turn- ing toward a curtain of the works; 'let us get into the ditch on this side, and be regardful to step on the stones and frag- ments of wood as you go.'
-- A sluggish ditch deposited its mud at theprison walls.
-- The dry leaves in the ditch simmered and boiled in the same breezes, a tongue of air occasionally ferreting out a few, and sending them spinning across the grass.
-- He hastily scanned the ditch and after walking about ten yards along it found the hat among the leaves.
-- Or was he dead of smallpox months ago, rotting insome long ditch with hundreds of other Confederates?
-- Making my way along here with all despatch, I had just crossed a ditch which I knew to be very near the Battery, and had just scrambled up the mound beyond the ditch, when I saw the man sitting before me.
-- Water was splashing, and mud was flying, and oaths were being sworn, and blows were being struck, when some more men went down into the ditch to help the sergeant, and dragged out, separately, my convict and the other one.
-- If I had died at the bottom there," and he made an emphatic swing at the ditch with his manacled hands, "I'd have held to him with that grip, that you should have been safe to find him in my hold."
-- I had alighted from Joe's back on the brink of the ditch when we came up, and had not moved since.
-- Crowding up with these reflections came the reflection that I had seen him with my childish eyes to be a desperately violent man; that I had heard that other convict reiterate that he had tried to murder him; that I had seen him down in the ditch tearing and fighting like a wild beast.
-- Not that a ditch was new to me, for I was born in a ditch.'
-- She crept in sheer misery through the holly and through the wooden fence, stumbled down the little ditch and up into the lane, where Hilda was just getting out of the car in vexation.
-- And now, a sudden twist and stoppage of the carriage inspired Mr Dorrit with the mistrust that the brigand moment was come for twisting him into a ditch and robbing him; until, letting down the glass again and looking out, he perceived himself assailed by nothing worse than a funeral procession, which came mechanically chaunting by, with an indistinct show of dirty vestments, lurid torches, swinging censers, and a great cross borne before a priest.
-- 'The child,' said the girl, suddenly looking up, 'is better where he is, than among us; and if no harm comes to Bill from it, I hope he lies dead in the ditch and that his young bones may rot there.'
-- And now that we have accompanied him so far on his road home, and have made all necessary preparations for the old woman's funeral, let us set on foot a few inquires after young Oliver Twist, and ascertain whether he be still lying in the ditch where Toby Crackit left him.
-- cried Sikes, laying the boy in a dry ditch at his feet, and drawing a pistol from his pocket.
-- On they all went; nor stopped they once to breathe, until the leader, striking off into an angle of the field indicated by Oliver, began to search, narrowly, the ditch and hedge adjoining; which afforded time for the remainder of the party to come up; and for Oliver to communicate to Mr. Losberne the circumstances that had led to so vigorous a pursuit.
-- That same cloud was being watched by two good friends in the ruined ditch below the city wall, for Bagheera and Kaa, knowing well how dangerous the Monkey-People were in large numbers, did not wish to run any risks.