
发布时间:2021-12-28 13:00:47


modern是一个雅思常考词汇,这个词的常用解释为a. 现代的, 近代的, 新式的,这个词在很多英文原版小说中怎么应用呢,今天小编就带您了解一下。



-- The dream must be borne with, and Mr. Knightley must take his seat with the rest round the large modern circular ta-ble which Emma had introduced at Hartfield, and which none but Emma could have had power to place there and persuade her father to use, instead of the small-sized Pem-broke, on which two of his daily meals had, for forty years been crowded.



-- The press and the public were kind enough to welcome the fanciful plan, and willingly joined me in the anachronism of imagining a Wessex population living under Queen Victoria; a modern Wessex of railways, the penny post, mowing and reaping machines, union workhouses, lucifer matches, labourers who could read and write, and National school children.

-- I did not anticipate that this application of the word to a modern use would extend outside the chapters of my own chronicles.

-- The first to do so was the now defunct Examiner, which, in the impression bearing date July 15, 1876, entitled one of its articles "The Wessex Labourer," the article turning out to be no dissertation on farming during the Heptarchy, but on the modern peasant of the south-west counties, and his presentation in these stories.

-- The dusky, filmed, chestnut roof, braced and tied in by huge collars, curves, and diagonals, was far nobler in design, because more wealthy in material, than nine-tenths of those in our modern churches.

-- Here at least the spirit of the ancient builders was at one with the spirit of the modern beholder.



-- There was the same kind of charm about her too slender form, her faintly colored face and light-brown hair, that modern poets find in mediaeval statuettes; and a sweet expression, a look of Christian resignation in the dark gray eyes.

-- There was a fiery energy in her movements; the Marquis de Ronquerolles had called her "a thoroughbred," "a pure pedigree," these figures of speech have replaced the "heavenly angel" and Ossianic nomenclature; the old mythology of love is extinct, doomed to perish by modern dandyism.



-- I have of-10 Frankensteinten attributed my attachment to, my passionate enthusiasm for, the dangerous mysteries of ocean to that production of the most imaginative of modern poets.

-- If, instead of this remark, my father had taken the pains to explain to me that the principles of Agrippa had been entirely exploded and that a modern system of science had been introduced which possessed much greater powers than the ancient, because the powers of the latter were chimeri-34 Frankensteincal, while those of the former were real and practical, under such circumstances I should certainly have thrown Agrip-pa aside and have contented my imagination, warmed as it was, by returning with greater ardour to my former studies.

-- In spite of the intense labour and wonderful dis-coveries of modern philosophers, I always came from my studies discontented and unsatisfied.

-- Besides, I had a contempt for the uses of modern natural philosophy.

-- After having made a few preparatory experiments, he con-cluded with a panegyric upon modern chemistry, the terms of which I shall never forget: 'The ancient teachers of this science,' said he, 'promised impossibilities and performed nothing.



-- After much debate, they concluded unanimously, that I was only relplum scalcath, which is interpreted literally lusus naturae; a determination exactly agreeable to the modern philosophy of Europe, whose professors, disdaining the old evasion of occult causes, whereby the followers of Aristo-tle endeavoured in vain to disguise their ignorance, have 125invented this wonderful solution of all difficulties, to the unspeakable advancement of human knowledge.

-- A proposal for correcting modern maps.

-- 208 Gulliver's TravelsChapter III A phenomenon solved by modern philosophy and astronomy.

-- I gave due praises to every thing I saw, whereof his excellency took not the least notice till after supper; when, there being no third companion, he told me with a very melancholy air 'that he doubted he must throw down his houses in town and country, to rebuild them after the present mode; de-stroy all his plantations, and cast others into such a form 220 Gulliver's Travelsas modern usage required, and give the same directions to all his tenants, unless he would submit to incur the censure of pride, singularity, affectation, ignorance, caprice, and perhaps increase his majesty's displeasure; that the admira-tion I appeared to be under would cease or diminish, when he had informed me of some particulars which, probably, I never heard of at court, the people there being too much taken up in their own speculations, to have regard to what passed here below.'

-- Ancient and modern history corrected.



-- Sleary himself, a stout modern statue with a money-box at its elbow, in an ecclesiastical niche of early Gothic architecture, took the money.



-- All modern experiments tend to explode the older theories.

-- The horrible affliction known as leprosy, which has almost vanished before the effects of modern science, is common in Iceland.

-- We were, in fact, descending a spiral, something like those winding staircases in use in modern houses.

-- They had in past ages belonged to those gigantic Glyptodons of the Pliocene period, of which the modern turtle is but a minute specimen.

-- On that spot, some three square miles in extent, was accumulated the whole history of animal life--scarcely one creature upon the comparatively modern soil of the upper and inhabited world had not there existed.






